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魔兽争霸官方小说:仇恨之轮-Cycle of Hatred(英文版)

魔兽争霸官方小说:仇恨之轮-Cycle of Hatred(英文版)

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《魔兽争霸官方小说:仇恨之轮-Cycle of Hatred(英文版)》|总人气: 45| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    As much as he loathed himself forbeing forced to do it, Byrok ran.It was a hard thing for him, and not just because the dagger that was still protruding from his thigh slowed his gait.To run from battle was shameful. But Byrok knew he had a higher duty to perform the Burning Blade hadreturned, only this time they were humans. And all the attackers, not just the two he d noticed before, wore thatflaming sword image somewhere on them: a necklace, a tattoo, something.This was information that needed to get back to Thrall.So Byrok ran.Then he stumbled. His left leg refused to lift as it was supposed to but his right leg continued to run, and so hecrashed to the ground, high grass and dirt getting in his nose and mouth and eye.Must…get…up…You ain t goin nowhere, monster. Byrok could hear the voice, hear the humans footfalls, and then feel

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