The Lord of the Rings-指环王(英文版)
《The Lord of the Rings-指环王(英文版)》|总人气: 99| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
附:【】Chapter 01A Longexpected Party When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventyfirst birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton.Bilbo was very rich and very peculiar, and had been the wonder of the Shire for sixty years, ever since his remarkable disappearance and unexpected return. The riches he had brought back from his travels had now bee a local legend, and it was popularly believed, whatever the old folk might say, that the Hill at Bag End was full of tunnels stuffed with treasure. And if that was not enough for fame, there was also his prolonged vigour to marvel at. Time wore on, but it seemed to have little effect on Mr. Baggins. At niy he was much the same as at fifty. At niynine they began to call him wellpreserved, but unchanged开始阅读《The Lord of the Rings-指环王(英文版)》
The Lord of the Rings-指环王(英文版)目录列表
The Lord of the Rings-指环王(英文版)电子书下载
- 01-01a convert of the mission
- 01-0129-blue beard
- 01-0122-the golden branch
- 01-01世界上下五千年(近)
- 01-0125-the enchanted canary
- 01-0103-east of sun
- 01-0119-on the duty of civil
- 01-01a leaf from heaven
- 01-0113-the little good mouse
- 01-0112-as concerns interpret
- 01-01Hello继承者
- 01-01belong to you
- 01-01our world之光之影(系
- 01-01dh the_simple_joy_of
- 01-01hello,老师半夏幽凉
- 01-01[hp]亲爱的敌人,volde
- 01-01loveless
- 01-01[网王同人]恶梦不怕,
- 01-01timeless(生子,甜)
- 01-01债主作者:yellow茜
- 01-01不要做王子(一 二 三
- 01-01sordid mist
- 01-01believe it[家教]
- 01-01memory of nobody
- 01-01暴君擒心 by catherle
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