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一千零一夜-天方夜谭-1001 Nights(英文版)

一千零一夜-天方夜谭-1001 Nights(英文版)

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《一千零一夜-天方夜谭-1001 Nights(英文版)》|总人气: 108| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE BOOK OF THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND ONE NIGHT:Now First pletely Done Into EnglishProse and Verse, From The Original Arabic,By John Payne(Author of "The Masque of Shadows," "Intaglios: Sons," "Songs of Life and Death,""Lautrec," "The Poems of Master Francis Villon of Paris," "New Poems," Etc, Etc.).In Nine Volumes:VOLUME THE EIGHTH.LondonPrinted For Subscribers Only1901Delhi EditionMesrour and Zein el MewasifAli Noureddin and the Frank King’s DaughterThe Man of Upper Egypt and His Frank WifeThe Ruined Man of Baghdad and His Slave GirlKing Jelyaad of Hind and His Vizier Shimas: Whereafter Ensueth the History of King Wird Khan, Son of King Jelyaad, With His Women and ViziersThe Cat and the MouseThe Fakir and His Pot of ButterThe Fishes and the Crab...

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