12-as concerns interpreting the deity
《12-as concerns interpreting the deity》|总人气: 176| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
AS CONCERNS INTERPRETING THE DEITYIThis line of hieroglyphics was for fourteen years thedespair of all the scholars who labored over the mysteries of theRosetta stone: [Figure 1]After five years of study Champollion translated it thus:Therefore let the worship of Epiphanes be maintained in allthe temples, this upon pain of death.That was the twenty-forth translation that had beenfurnished by scholars. For a time it stood. But only for atime. Then doubts began to assail it and undermine it, and thescholars resumed their labors. Three years of patient workproduced eleven new translations; among them, this, byGr:unfeldt, was received with considerable favor:The horse of Epiphanes shall be maintained at the public expense;this upon pain of death....开始阅读《12-as concerns interpreting the deity》
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