36-the story of big klaus
《36-the story of big klaus》|总人气: 126| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
THE STORY OF BIG KLAUS AND LITTLE KLAUSIn a certain village there lived two people who had both the samename. Both were called Klaus, but one owned four horses and theother only one. In order to distinguish the one from the other,the one who had four horses was called Big Klaus, and the one whohad only one horse, Little Klaus. Now you shall hear what befellthem both, for this is a true story.The whole week through Little Klaus had to plough for Big Klaus,and lend him his one horse; then Big Klaus lent him his fourhorses, but only once a week, and that was on Sunday. Hurrah!how loudly Little Klaus cracked his whip over all the fivehorses! for they were indeed as good as his on this one day.The sun shone brightly, and all the bells in the church-towerswere pealing; the people were dressed in their best clothes, and...最近更新
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