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01-the forged coupon

01-the forged coupon

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《01-the forged coupon》|总人气: 114| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE FORGED COUPONPART FIRSTIFEDOR MIHAILOVICH SMOKOVNIKOV, the presi-dent of the local Income Tax Department, a manof unswerving honestyand proud of it, tooa gloomy Liberal, a free-thinker, and an enemyto every manifestation of religious feeling, whichhe thought a relic of superstition, came home fromhis office feeling very much annoyed. The Gov-ernor of the province had sent him an extraordi-narily stupid minute, almost assuming that hisdealings had been dishonest.Fedor Mihailovich felt embittered, and wroteat once a sharp answer. On his return homeeverything seemed to go contrary to his wishes.It was five minutes to five, and he expected thedinner to be served at once, but he was told it wasnot ready. He banged the door and went to hisstudy. Somebody knocked at the door. "Who...

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