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《030》|总人气: 101| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    daughter, and as she was grown up, he wished that she wasprovided for, and well married. He thought, if any good suitorcomes and asks for her, I will give her to him. Not longafterwards, a suitor came, who appeared to be very rich, and asthe miller had no fault to find with him, he promised hisdaughter to him. The maiden, however, did not like him quiteso much as a girl should like the man to whom she is engaged, andhad no confidence in him. Whenever she saw, or thought of him,she felt a secret horror. Once he said to her, you are mybetrothed, and yet you have never once paid me a visit. Themaiden replied, I know not where your house is. Then said thebridegroom, my house is out there in the dark forest. Shetried to excuse herselfand said she could not find the way there. The bridegroom said,next sunday you must come out there to m


