a sunday in london
《a sunday in london》|总人气: 30| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
THE SKETCH BOOKA SUNDAY IN LONDON*by Washington Irving* Part of a sketch omitted in the previous editions.IN A preceding paper I have spoken of an English Sunday in thecountry, and its tranquillizing effect upon the landscape; but whereis its sacred influence more strikingly apparent than in the veryheart of that great Babel, London? On this sacred day, the giganticmonster is charmed into repose. The intolerable din and struggle ofthe week are at an end. The shops are shut. The fires of forges andmanufactories are extinguished; and the sun, no longer obscured bymurky clouds of smoke, pours down a sober, yellow radiance into thequiet streets. The few pedestrians we meet, instead of hurryingforward with anxious countenances, move leisurely along; their brows...最近更新
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