25-snow-white and rose-red
《25-snow-white and rose-red》|总人气: 67| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
SNOW-WHITE AND ROSE-REDA POOR widow once lived in a little cottage with agarden in front of it, in which grew two rose trees, onebearing white roses and the other red. She had twochildren, who were just like the two rose trees; one wascalled Snow-white and the other Rose-red, and they werethe sweetest and best children in the world, always diligentand always cheerful; but Snow-white was quieter andmore gentle than Rose-red. Rose-red loved to run aboutthe fields and meadows, and to pick flowers and catchbutterflies; but Snow-white sat at home with her motherand helped her in the household, or read aloud to her whenthere was no work to do. The two children loved eachother so dearly that they always walked about hand inhand whenever they went out together, and when Snow-...最近更新
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