《025》|总人气: 21| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
but he was stupid, and could learn nothing. Then said thefather, hark you, my son, try as I will I can get nothing intoyour head. You must go from hence, I will give you into thecare of a celebrated master, who shall see what he can dowith you. The youth was sent into a strange town, and remained awhole year with the master. At the end of this time, he camehome again, and his father asked, now, my son, what have youlearnt. Father, I have learnt what the dogs say when they bark.Lord have mercy on us, cried the father, is that all you havelearnt. I will send you into another town, to another master.The youth was taken thither, and stayed a year with this masterlikewise. When he came back the father again asked, my son,what have you learnt. He answered, father, I have learnt whatthe birds say. Then the father fell into a rage and s最近更新
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