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a millionaire of rough-and-ready

a millionaire of rough-and-ready

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《a millionaire of rough-and-ready》|总人气: 23| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    A Millionaire of Rough-and-Readyby Bret HartePROLOGUEThere was no mistake this time: he had struck gold at last!It had lain there before him a moment agoa misshapen piece ofbrown-stained quartz, interspersed with dull yellow metal; yieldingenough to have allowed the points of his pick to penetrate itshoneycombed recesses, yet heavy enough to drop from the point ofhis pick as he endeavored to lift it from the red earth.He was seeing all this plainly, although he found himself, he knewnot why, at some distance from the scene of his discovery, hisheart foolishly beating, his breath impotently hurried. Yet he waswalking slowly and vaguely; conscious of stopping and staring atthe landscape, which no longer looked familiar to him. He washoping for some instinct or force of habit to recall him to...

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