02-the son of the wolf
《02-the son of the wolf》|总人气: 22| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
THE SON OF THE WOLF.MAN RARELY PLACES A PROPER valuation upon his womankind, at leastnot until deprived of them. He has no conception of the subtleatmosphere exhaled by the sex feminine, so long as he bathes in it;but let it be withdrawn, and an ever-growing void begins to manifestitself in his existence, and he becomes hungry, in a vague sort ofway, for a something so indefinite that he cannot characterize it.If his comrades have no more experience than himself, they willshake their heads dubiously and dose him with strong physic. But thehunger will continue and become stronger; he will lose interest in thethings of his everyday life and wax morbid; and one day, when theemptiness has become unbearable, a revelation will dawn upon him.In the Yukon country, when this comes to pass, the man usually...最近更新
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