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12-italian without a master

12-italian without a master

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《12-italian without a master》|总人气: 20| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    ITALIAN WITHOUT A MASTERIt is almost a fortnight now that I am domiciled in a medievalvilla in the country, a mile or two from Florence. I cannot speakthe language; I am too old not to learn how, also too busy when Iam busy, and too indolent when I am not; wherefore some willimagine that I am having a dull time of it. But it is not so.The "help" are all natives; they talk Italian to me, I answerin English; I do not understand them, they do not understand me,consequently no harm is done, and everybody is satisfied. In orderto be just and fair, I throw in an Italian word when I have one,and this has a good influence. I get the word out of the morning paper.I have to use it while it is fresh, for I find that Italian wordsdo not keep in this climate. They fade toward night, and next...

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