18-the glass mountain
《18-the glass mountain》|总人气: 25| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
THE GLASS MOUNTAIN[16][16] From the Polish. Kletke.Once upon a time there was a Glass Mountain at the top of whichstood a castle made of pure gold, and in front of the castlethere grew an apple-tree on which there were golden apples.Anyone who picked an apple gained admittance into the goldencastle, and there in a silver room sat an enchanted Princess ofsurpassing fairness and beauty. She was as rich too as she wasbeautiful, for the cellars of the castle were full of preciousstones, and great chests of the finest gold stood round the wallsof all the rooms.Many knights had come from afar to try their luck, but it was invain they attempted to climb the mountain. In spite of havingtheir horses shod with sharp nails, no one managed to get morethan half-way up, and then they all fell back right down to the...最近更新
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