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a princess of mars

a princess of mars

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《a princess of mars》|总人气: 17| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    A PRINCESS OF MARSby Edgar Rice BurroughsCHAPTER ION THE ARIZONA HILLSI am a very old man; how old I do not know. Possibly I ama hundred, possibly more; but I cannot tell because I havenever aged as other men, nor do I remember any childhood.So far as I can recollect I have always been a man, a manof about thirty. I appear today as I did forty years andmore ago, and yet I feel that I cannot go on living forever;that some day I shall die the real death from which there isno resurrection. I do not know why I should fear death,I who have died twice and am still alive; but yet I have thesame horror of it as you who have never died, and it isbecause of this terror of death, I believe, that I am soconvinced of my mortality.And because of this conviction I have determined to write...

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