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《31-minnikin》|总人气: 19| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    MINNIKINTHERE was once upon a time a couple of needy folk who livedin a wretched hut, in which there was nothing but black want;so they had neither food to eat nor wood to burn. But if they hadnext to nothing of all else they had the blessing of God so far aschildren were concerned, and every year brought them one more.The man was not overpleased at this. He was always going aboutgrumbling and growling, and saying that it seemed to him thatthere might be such a thing as having too many of these goodgifts; so shortly before another baby was born he went away intothe wood for some firewood, saying that he did not want to see thenew child; he would hear him quite soon enough when he began tosquall for some food.As soon as this baby was born it began to look about the room....


