19-the story of pretty goldilocks
《19-the story of pretty goldilocks》|总人气: 21| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
THE STORY OF PRETTY GOLDILOCKSONCE upon a time there was a princess who was theprettiest creature in the world. And because she was sobeautiful, and because her hair was like the finest gold,and waved and rippled nearly to the ground, she wascalled Pretty Goldilocks. She always wore a crown offlowers, and her dresses were embroidered with diamondsand pearls, and everybody who saw her fell in love withher.Now one of her neighbors was a young king who wasnot married. He was very rich and handsome, and whenhe heard all that was said about Pretty Goldilocks, thoughhe had never seen her, he fell so deeply in love with herthat he could neither eat nor drink. So he resolved tosend an ambassador to ask her in marriage. He had asplendid carriage made for his ambassador, and gave him...开始阅读《19-the story of pretty goldilocks》
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