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16-the voice of death

16-the voice of death

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《16-the voice of death》|总人气: 25| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE VOICE OF DEATHONCE upon a time there lived a man whose one wish and prayerwas to get rich. Day and night he thought of nothing else,and at last his prayers were granted, and he became very wealthy.Now being so rich, and having so much to lose, he felt that it wouldbe a terrible thing to die and leave all his possessions behind; so hemade up his mind to set out in search of a land where there was nodeath. He got ready for his journey, took leave of his wife, andstarted. Whenever he came to a new country the first questionthat he asked was whether people died in that land, and when heheard that they did, he set out again on his quest. At last hereached a country where he was told that the people did not evenknow the meaning of the word death. Our traveller was delightedwhen he heard this, and said:...

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