21-the three brothers
《21-the three brothers》|总人气: 27| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
THE THREE BROTHERS[17][17] From the Polish. Kletke.There was once upon a time a witch, who in the shape of a hawkused every night to break the windows of a certain villagechurch. In the same village there lived three brothers, who wereall determined to kill the mischievous hawk. But in vain did thetwo eldest mount guard in the church with their guns; as soon asthe bird appeared high above their heads, sleep overpowered them,and they only awoke to hear the windows crashing in.Then the youngest brother took his turn of guarding the windows,and to prevent his being overcome by sleep he placed a lot ofthorns under his chin, so that if he felt drowsy and nodded hishead, they would prick him and keep him awake.The moon was already risen, and it was as light as day, when...最近更新
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