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a letter

a letter

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《a letter》|总人气: 27| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    A LETTER FROM CAPTAIN GULLIVER TO HIS COUSIN SYMPSON.WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 1727.I hope you will be ready to own publicly, whenever you shall becalled to it, that by your great and frequent urgency youprevailed on me to publish a very loose and uncorrect account ofmy travels, with directions to hire some young gentleman ofeither university to put them in order, and correct the style, asmy cousin Dampier did, by my advice, in his book called "A Voyageround the world." But I do not remember I gave you power toconsent that any thing should be omitted, and much less that anything should be inserted; therefore, as to the latter, I do hererenounce every thing of that kind; particularly a paragraph abouther majesty Queen Anne, of most pious and glorious memory;although I did reverence and esteem her more than any of human...

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