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a history of science-4

a history of science-4

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    A History of Science, Volume 4by Henry Smith Williams, M.D., LL.D.ASSISTED BY EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, M.D.IN FIVE VOLUMES VOLUME IV.MODERN DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESA HISTORY OF SCIENCEBOOK IVMODERN DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAS regards chronology, the epoch covered in the present volume is identical with that viewed in the preceding one. But now as regards subject matter we pass on to those diverse phases of the physical world which are the field of the chemist, and to those yet more intricate processes which have to do with living organisms. So radical are the changes here that we seem to be entering new worlds; and yet, here as before, there are intimations of the new discoveries away back in the Greek days. The solution of the problem of respiration will remind us that Anaxagoras half gue

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