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25-post-mortem poetry

25-post-mortem poetry

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《25-post-mortem poetry》|总人气: 28| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    POST-MORTEM POETRY [1]In Philadelphia they have a custom which it would be pleasantto see adopted throughout the land. It is that of appending topublished death-notices a little verse or two of comforting poetry.Any one who is in the habit of reading the daily PhiladelphiaLEDGER must frequently be touched by these plaintive tributesto extinguished worth. In Philadelphia, the departure of a childis a circumstance which is not more surely followed by a burialthan by the accustomed solacing poesy in the PUBLIC LEDGER.In that city death loses half its terror because the knowledgeof its presence comes thus disguised in the sweet drapery of verse.For instance, in a late LEDGER I find the following (I changethe surname):DIEDHawks.On the 17th inst., Clara, the daughter of Ephraim...

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