a charmed life
《a charmed life》|总人气: 25| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
A Charmed Lifeby Richard Harding DavisShe loved him so, that when he went away to a little war in whichhis country was interested she could not understand, nor quiteforgive.As the correspondent of a newspaper, Chesterton had looked on atother wars; when the yellow races met, when the infidel Turkspanked the Christian Greek; and one he had watched from inside aBritish square, where he was greatly alarmed lest he should betrampled upon by terrified camels. This had happened before he andshe had met. After they met, she told him that what chances he hadchosen to take before he came into her life fell outside of herjurisdiction. But now that his life belonged to her, this talk ofhis standing up to be shot at was wicked. It was worse thanwicked; it was absurd.When the Maine sank in Havana harbor and the word "war" was...最近更新
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