a footnote to history
《a footnote to history》|总人气: 64| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
A Footnote to Historyby Robert Louis StevensonPREFACEAN affair which might be deemed worthy of a note of a few lines inany general history has been here expanded to the size of a volumeor large pamphlet. The smallness of the scale, and the singularityof the manners and events and many of the characters, considered,it is hoped that, in spite of its outlandish subject, the sketchmay find readers. It has been a task of difficulty. Speed wasessential, or it might come too late to be of any service to adistracted country. Truth, in the midst of conflicting rumours andin the dearth of printed material, was often hard to ascertain, andsince most of those engaged were of my personal acquaintance, itwas often more than delicate to express. I must certainly have...最近更新
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