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21-the wonderful sheep

21-the wonderful sheep

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《21-the wonderful sheep》|总人气: 23| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE WONDERFUL SHEEPONCE upon a timein the days when the fairies livedthere was a king who had three daughters, who were allyoung, and clever, and beautiful; but the youngest of thethree, who was called Miranda, was the prettiest andthe most beloved.The King, her father, gave her more dresses and jewelsin a month than he gave the others in a year; but she wasso generous that she shared everything with her sisters,and they were all as happy and as fond of one another asthey could be.Now, the King had some quarrelsome neighbors, who,tired of leaving him in peace, began to make war uponhim so fiercely that he feared he would be altogetherbeaten if he did not make an effort to defend himself.So he collected a great army and set off to fight them,leaving the Princesses with their governess in a castle...

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