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14-former inhabitants and winter visitors

14-former inhabitants and winter visitors

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《14-former inhabitants and winter visitors》|总人气: 23| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Former Inhabitants and Winter VisitorsI weathered some merry snow-storms, and spent some cheerfulwinter evenings by my fireside, while the snow whirled wildlywithout, and even the hooting of the owl was hushed. For many weeksI met no one in my walks but those who came occasionally to cut woodand sled it to the village. The elements, however, abetted me inmaking a path through the deepest snow in the woods, for when I hadonce gone through the wind blew the oak leaves into my tracks, wherethey lodged, and by absorbing the rays of the sun melted the snow,and so not only made a my bed for my feet, but in the night theirdark line was my guide. For human society I was obliged to conjureup the former occupants of these woods. Within the memory of manyof my townsmen the road near which my house stands resounded with...

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