16-is shakespeare dead
《16-is shakespeare dead》|总人气: 25| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
IS SHAKESPEARE DEAD?(from My Autobiography)Scattered here and there through the stacks of unpublishedmanuscript which constitute this formidable Autobiography andDiary of mine, certain chapters will in some distant future befound which deal with "Claimants"claimants historicallynotorious: Satan, Claimant; the Golden Calf, Claimant; theVeiled Prophet of Khorassan, Claimant; Louis XVII., Claimant;William Shakespeare, Claimant; Arthur Orton, Claimant; Mary BakerG. Eddy, Claimantand the rest of them. Eminent Claimants,successful Claimants, defeated Claimants, royal Claimants, plebClaimants, showy Claimants, shabby Claimants, revered Claimants,despised Claimants, twinkle star-like here and there and yonderthrough the mists of history and legend and traditionand, oh,...最近更新
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