a record of buddhistic kingdoms(佛都记录)
《a record of buddhistic kingdoms(佛都记录)》|总人气: 23| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
A RECORD OF BUDDHISTIC KINGDOMSA RECORD OFBUDDHISTICKINGDOMSTranslated and annotated with a Corean recension of the ChinesetextBY JAMES LEGGE1- Page 2-A RECORD OF BUDDHISTIC KINGDOMSPREFACESeveral times during my long residence in Hong Kong I endeavouredto read through the "Narrative of Fa-hien;" but though interested with thegraphic details of much of the work, its columns bristled so constantlynow with his phonetic representations of Sanskrit words, and now with hissubstitution for them of their meanings in Chinese characters, and I was,...开始阅读《a record of buddhistic kingdoms(佛都记录)》
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