a hero of our time
《a hero of our time》|总人气: 20| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
A Hero of Our Timeby M. Y. LermontovTRANSLATED FROM THE RUSSIAN OF M. Y. LERMONTOVBy J. H. WISDOM & MARR MURRAYFOREWORDTHIS novel, known as one of the masterpieces ofRussian Literature, under the title "A Heroof our Time," and already translated into at leastnine European languages, is now for the first timeplaced before the general English Reader.The work is of exceptional interest to thestudent of English Literature, written as it wasunder the profound influence of Byron and beingitself a study of the Byronic type of character.The Translators have taken especial care topreserve both the atmosphere of the story and thepoetic beauty with which the Poet-novelist imbuedhis pages.CONTENTSFOREWORDBOOK I. BELABOOK II. MAKSIM MAKSIMYCH...最近更新
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