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a girl of the limberlost

a girl of the limberlost

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《a girl of the limberlost》|总人气: 24| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    A Girl of The LimberlostBy Gene Stratton PorterTO ALL GIRLS OF THE LIMBERLOST IN GENERALAND ONE JEANETTE HELEN PORTER IN PARTICULARCHARACTERSELNORA, who collects moths to pay for her education,and lives the Golden Rule.PHILIP AMMON, who assists in moth hunting,and gains a new conception of love.MRS. COMSTOCK, who lost a delusion and found a treasure.WESLEY SINTON, who always did his best.MARGARET SINTON, who "mothers" Elnora.BILLY, a boy from real life.EDITH CARR, who discovers herself.HART HENDERSON, to whom love means all things.POLLY AMMON, who pays an old score.TOM LEVERING, engaged to Polly....

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