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《林依晨的纽约贝果日记》|总人气: 13| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    第1节:林依晨的纽约贝果日记(1)  P6  The first time when I met Ariel was in Taipei, and 2nd time when Imet Arielagain was in the US and it was first time Ariel in the US soit was a veryspecial trip for her, full of excitement and curiosity and we are pleased tohave her around.  Ariel was attending the film academy in NY and our home in Bostonwas a nestingstop, we have spent weeks before the school started,most of time we haveexperienced the OLD New England"s oldcharm ‘FALLINGEDGE’, the tree turned intoall shades of red and walking on the ground with leaving sound, a ‘PICTUREFRECT’scene. We have Visited a local art fair, everything is one of kindhand-made by the local artists from painting, jewelry to gourmet food,visited aSunday yard sale, the thrill of getting some unique things ona dollar or...


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