descartes’ reason discourse(笛卡尔的推理)
《descartes’ reason discourse(笛卡尔的推理)》|总人气: 25| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
DISCOURSE ON THE METHOD OF RIGHTLY CONDUCTING THE REASON, ANDSEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCESDISCOURSE ON THEMETHOD OF RIGHTLYCONDUCTING THEREASON, AND SEEKINGTRUTH IN THESCIENCESby Rene Descartes1- Page 2-DISCOURSE ON THE METHOD OF RIGHTLY CONDUCTING THE REASON, ANDSEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCESPREFATORY NOTE BY THE AUTHORIf this Discourse appear too long to be read at once, it may be dividedinto six Parts: and, in the first, will be found various considerationstouching the Sciences; in the second, the principal rules of the Method...开始阅读《descartes’ reason discourse(笛卡尔的推理)》
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