《灵山---英文版》|总人气: 42| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
Soul Mountain作者:Gao Xingjian Gao Xingjian Translation by Mabel Lee Chapter One The old bus is a city reject. After shaking in it for twelve hours on the potholed highway since early morning you arrive in this mountain county town in the South. In the bus station littered with ice-lollipop papers and sugar cane scraps, you stand with your backpack and a bag and look around for a while. People are getting off the bus or walking past, men humping sacks and women carrying babies. A crowd of youths, unhampered by sacks or baskets, have their hands free. They take sunflower seeds out of their pockets, toss them one at a time into their mouths and spit out the shells. With a loud crack the kernels are expertly eaten. To be leisurely and carefree is endemic to the place. They are locals and life has made them like this, they have been he最近更新
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