the return of the king
《the return of the king》|总人气: 48| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
The Return of the KingBy J. R. R. TolkienPart 1: The Fellowship of the RingPart 2: The Two TowersPart 3: The Return of the KingTHE RETURN OF THE KINGBook VChapter 1 Minas TirithChapter 2 The Passing of the Grey panyChapter 3 The Muster of RohanChapter 4 The Siege of GondorChapter 5 The Ride of the RohirrimChapter 6 The Battle of the Pelennor FieldsChapter 7 The Pyre of DenethorChapter 8 The Houses of HealingChapter 9 The Last DebateChapter 10 The Black Gate OpensBook VIChapter 1 The Tower of Cirith UngolChapter 2 The Land of ShadowChapter 3 Mount DoomChapter 4 The Field of CormallenChapter 5 The Steward and the KingChapter 6 Many PartingsChapter 7 Homeward BoundChapter 8 The Scouring of the ShireChapter 9 The Grey Havens-THE RETURN OF THE KING...最近更新
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