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a convert of the missiontxt下载更新时间:2023-05-19

《a convert of the mission》txt下载简介:

A CONVERT OF THE MISSIONThe largest tent of the Tasajara camp meeting was crowded to itsutmost extent. The excitement of that dense mass was at itshighest pitch. The Reverend Stephen Masterton, the single erect,passionate figure of that confused medley of kneeling worshipers,had reached the culminating pitch of his irresistible exhortatorypower. Sighs and groans were beginning to respond to his appeals,when the reverend brother was seen to lurch heavily forward andfall to the ground.At first the effect was that of a part of his performance; thegroans redoubled, and twenty or thirty brethren threw themselvesprostrate in humble imitation of the preacher. But Sister DeborahStokes, perhaps through some special revelation of feminineintuition, grasped the fallen man, tore loose his black silk...


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