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THE BOY AND THE WOLVES, OR THE BROKEN PROMISE[18][18] A North American Indian story.Once upon a time an Indian hunter built himself a house in themiddle of a great forest, far away from all his tribe; for hisheart was gentle and kind, and he was weary of the treachery andcruel deeds of those who had been his friends. So he left them,and took his wife and three children, and they journeyed on untilthey found a spot near to a clear stream, where they began to cutdown trees, and to make ready their wigwam. For many years theylived peacefully and happily in this sheltered place, neverleaving it except to hunt the wild animals, which served themboth for food and clothes. At last, however, the strong man feltsick, and before long he knew he must die.So he gathered his family round him, and said his last words to...
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