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a forgotten empire-vijayanagartxt下载更新时间:2023-05-09

《a forgotten empire-vijayanagar》txt下载简介:

A Forgotten Empire: Vijayanagar; A Contribution to the History of Indiaby Robert SewellPrefaceThe two Portuguese chronicles, a translation of which into English is now for the first time offered to the public, are contained in a vellum-bound folio volume in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, amongst the manuscripts of which institution it bears the designation "PORT. NO. 65." The volume in question consists of copies of four original documents; the first two, written by Fernao Nuniz and Domingo Paes, being those translated below, the last two (at the end of the MS.) letters written from China about the year 1520 A.D. These will probably be published in translation by Mr. Donald Ferguson in the pages of the INDIAN ANTIQUARY.The first pair of original papers was sent with a covering letter by some one at Goa to some one in Europe. The na


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