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a psychological counter-current in recent fictiontxt下载更新时间:2023-04-28

《a psychological counter-current in recent fiction》txt下载简介:

A Psychological Counter-Current in Recent Fictionby William Dean HowellsIt is consoling as often as dismaying to find in what seems acataclysmal tide of a certain direction a strong drift to theopposite quarter. It is so divinable, if not so perceptible,that its presence may usually be recognized as a beginning of theturn in every tide which is sure, sooner or later, to come. Inreform, it is the menace of reaction; in reaction, it is thepromise of reform; we may take heart as we must lose heart fromit. A few years ago, when a movement which carried fiction tothe highest place in literature was apparently of such onwardand upward sweep that there could be no return or descent, therewas a counter-current in it which stayed it at last, and pulledit back to that lamentable level where fiction is now sunk, and...


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