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a defence of poesie and poemstxt下载更新时间:2023-04-28

《a defence of poesie and poems》txt下载简介:

A Defence of Poesie and Poemsby Philip SidneyContents:Introduction by Henry MorleyA Defence of PoesiePoemsINTRODUCTIONPhilip Sidney was born at Penshurst, in Kent, on the 29th of November, 1554. His father, Sir Henry Sidney, had married Mary, eldest daughter of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, and Philip was the eldest of their family of three sons and four daughters. Edmund Spenser and Walter Raleigh were of like age with Philip Sidney, differing only by about a year, and when Elizabeth became queen, on the 17th of November, 1558, they were children of four or five years old.In the year 1560 Sir Henry Sidney was made Lord President of Wales, representing the Queen in Wales and the four adjacent western counties, as a Lord Deputy represented her in Ireland. The official residence of the Lord President was at Ludlow Castle, to which


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