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a belated guesttxt下载更新时间:2023-04-28

《a belated guest》txt下载简介:

A Belated Guestby William Dean HowellsIt is doubtful whether the survivor of any order of things findscompensation in the privilege, however undisputed by his contemporaries,of recording his memories of it. This is, in the first two or threeinstances, a pleasure. It is sweet to sit down, in the shade or by thefire, and recall names, looks, and tones from the past; and if theAbsences thus entreated to become Presences are those of famous people,they lend to the fond historian a little of their lustre, in which hebasks for the time with an agreeable sense of celebrity. But anothertime comes, and comes very soon, when the pensive pleasure changes to thepain of duty, and the precious privilege converts itself into a grievousobligation. You are unable to choose your company among those immortal...


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