04道德经 中英对照(林语堂)txt下载
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小说排行榜:/top.html老子《道德经》相关作品全集:/zt/daodejingzhushuji/ 《道德经》中英对照(林语堂) 一章 道,可道,非恒道。名,可名,非恒名。无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。故常无欲,以观其妙;常有欲,以观其徼。此两者同出而异名,同谓之玄。玄之又玄,众妙之门。 The Tao that can be told of Is not the Absolute Tao; The Names that can be given Are not Absolute Names. The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth; The Named is the Mother of All Things. Therefore: Oftentimes, one strips oneself of passion In order to see the Secret of Life; Oftentimes, one regards life with passion, In order to see its manifest forms. These two (the Secret and its manifestations) Are (in their nature) the same; They are given different names...
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