


英语天堂- 第95部分

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“You didn’t give me a curl; Eva;” said her father; smiling sadly。
“They are all yours; papa;” said she; smiling—“yours and mamma’s; and you must give dear aunty as many as she wants。 I only gave them to our poor people myself; because you know; papa; they might be forgotten when I am gone; and because I hoped it might help them remember。 。 。 。 You are a Christian; are you not; papa?” said Eva; doubtfully。
“Why do you ask me?”
“I don’t know。 You are so good; I don’t see how you can help it。”
“What is being a Christian; Eva?”
“Loving Christ most of all;” said Eva。
“Do you; Eva?”
“Certainly I do。”
“You never saw him;” said St。 Clare。
“That makes no difference;” said Eva。 “I believe him; and in a few days I shall see him;” and the young face grew fervent; radiant with joy。
St。 Clare said no more。 It was a feeling which he had seen before in his mother; but no chord within vibrated to it。
Eva; after this; declined rapidly; there was no more any doubt of the event; the fondest hope could not be blinded。 Her beautiful room was avowedly a sick room; and Miss Ophelia day and night performed the duties of a nurse;—and never did her friends appreciate her value more than in that capacity。 With so well…trained a hand and eye; such perfect adroitness and practice in every art which could promote neatness and comfort; and keep out of sight every disagreeable incident of sickness;—with such a perfect sense of time; such a clear; untroubled head; such exact acomuracy in remembering every prescription and direction of the doctors;—she was everything to him。 They who had shrugged their shoulders at her little peculiarities and setnesses; so unlike the careless freedom of southern manners; acknowledged that now she was the exact person that was wanted。
Uncle Tom was much in Eva’s room。 The child suffered much from nervous restlessness; and it was a relief to her to be carried; and it was Tom’s greatest delight to carry her little frail form in his arms; resting on a pillow; now up and down her room; now out into the verandah; and when the fresh sea…breezes blew from the lake;—and the child felt freshest in the morning;—he would sometimes walk with her under the orange…trees in the garden; or; sitting down in some of their old seats; sing to her their favorite old hymns。
Her father often did the same thing; but his frame was slighter; and when he was weary; Eva would say to him;
“O; papa; let Tom take me。 Poor fellow! it pleases him; and you know it’s all he can do now; and he wants to do something!”
“So do I; Eva!” said her father。
“Well; papa; you can do everything; and are everything to me。 You read to me;—you sit up nights;—and Tom has only this one thing; and his singing; and I know; too; he does it easier than you can。 He carries me so strong!”
The desire to do something was not confined to Tom。 Every servant in the establishment showed the same feeling; and in their way did what they could。
Poor Mammy’s heart yearned towards her darling; but she found no opportunity; night or day; as Marie declared that the state of her mind was such; it was impossible for her to rest; and; of course; it was against her principles to let any one else rest。 Twenty times in a night; Mammy would be roused to rub her feet; to bathe her head; to find her pocket…handkerchief; to see what the noise was in Eva’s room; to let down a curtain because it was too light; or to put it up because it was too dark; and; in the daytime; when she longed to have some share in the nursing of her pet; Marie seemed unusually ingenious in keeping her busy anywhere and everywhere all over the house; or about her own person; so that stolen interviews and momentary glimpses were all she could obtain。
“I feel it my duty to be particularly careful of myself; now;” she would say; “feeble as I am; and with the whole care and nursing of that dear child upon me。”
“Indeed; my dear;” said St。 Clare; “I thought our cousin relieved you of that。”
“You talk like a man; St。 Clare;—just as if a mother could be relieved of the care of a child in that state; but; then; it’s all alike;—no one ever knows what I feel! I can’t throw things off; as you do。”
St。 Clare smiled。 You must excuse him; he couldn’t help it;—for St。 Clare could smile yet。 For so bright and placid was the farewell voyage of the little spirit;—by such sweet and fragrant breezes was the small bark borne towards the heavenly shores;—that it was impossible to realize that it was death that was approaching。 The child felt no pain;—only a tranquil; soft weakness; daily and almost insensibly increasing; and she was so beautiful; so loving; so trustful; so happy; that one could not resist the soothing influence of that air of innocence and peace which seemed to breathe around her。 St。 Clare found a strange calm coming over him。 It was not hope;—that was impossible; it was not resignation; it was only a calm resting in the present; which seemed so beautiful that he wished to think of no future。 It was like that hush of spirit which we feel amid the bright; mild woods of autumn; when the bright hectic flush is on the trees; and the last lingering flowers by the brook; and we joy in it all the more; because we know that soon it will all pass away。
The friend who knew most of Eva’s own imaginings and foreshadowings was her faithful bearer; Tom。 To him she said what she would not disturb her father by saying。 To him she imparted those mysterious intimations which the soul feels; as the cords begin to unbind; ere it leaves its clay forever。
Tom; at last; would not sleep in his room; but lay all night in the outer verandah; ready to rouse at every call。
“Uncle Tom; what alive have you taken to sleeping anywhere and everywhere; like a dog; for?” said Miss Ophelia。 “I thought you was one of the orderly sort; that liked to lie in bed in a Christian way。”
“I do; Miss Feely;” said Tom; mysteriously。 “I do; but now—”
“Well; what now?”
“We mustn’t speak loud; Mas’r St。 Clare won’t hear on ’t; but Miss Feely; you know there must be somebody watchin’ for the bridegroom。”
“What do you mean; Tom?”
“You know it says in Scripture; ‘At midnight there was a great cry made。 Behold; the bridegroom cometh。’ That’s what I’m spectin now; every night; Miss Feely;—and I couldn’t sleep out o’ hearin; no ways。”
“Why; Uncle Tom; what makes you think so?”
“Miss Eva; she talks to me。 The Lord; he sends his messenger in the soul。 I must be thar; Miss Feely; for when that ar blessed child goes into the kingdom; they’ll open the door so wide; we’ll all get a look in at the glory; Miss Feely。”
“Uncle Tom; did Miss Eva say she felt more unwell than usual tonight?”
“No; but she telled me; this morning; she was coming nearer;—thar’s them that tells it to the child; Miss Feely。 It’s the angels;—‘it’s the trumpet sound afore the break o’ day;’” said Tom; ing from a favorite hymn。
This dialogue passed between Miss Ophelia and Tom; between ten and eleven; one evening; after her arrangements had all been made for the night; when; on going to bolt her outer door; she found Tom stretched along by it; in the outer verandah。
She was not nervous or impressible; but the solemn; heart…felt manner struck her。 Eva had been unusually bright and cheerful; that afternoon; and had sat raised in her bed; and looked over all her little trinkets and precious things; and designated the friends to whom she would have them given; and her manner was more animated; and her voice more natural; than they had known it for weeks。 Her father had been in; in the evening; and had said that Eva appeared more like her former self than ever she had done since her sickness; and when he kissed her for the night; he said to Miss Ophelia;—“Cousin; we may keep her with us; after all; she is certainly better;” and he had retired with a lighter heart in his bosom than he had had there for weeks。
But at midnight;—strange; mystic hour!—when the veil between the frail present and the eternal future grows thin;—then came the messenger!
There was a sound in that chamber; first of one who stepped quickly。 It was Miss Ophelia; who had resolved to sit up all night with her little charge; and who; at the turn of the night; had discerned what experienced nurses significantly call “a change。” The outer door was quickly opened; and Tom; who was watching outside; was on the alert; in a moment。
“Go for the doctor; Tom! lose not a moment;” said Miss Ophelia; and; stepping across the room; she rapped at St。 Clare’s door。
“Cousin;” she said; “I wish you would come。”
Those words fell on his heart like clods upon a coffin。 Why did they? He was up and in the room in an instant; and bending over Eva; who still slept。
What was it he saw that made his heart stand still? Why was no word spoken between the two? Thou canst say; who hast seen that same expression on the face dearest to thee;—that look indescribable; hopeless; unmistakable; that says to thee that thy beloved is no longer thine。
On the face of the child; however; there was no ghastly imprint;—only a high and almost sublime expression;—the overshadowing presence of spiritual natures; the dawning of immortal life in that childish soul。
They stood there so still; gazing upon her; that even the ticking of the watch seemed too loud。 In a few moments; Tom returned; with the doctor。 He entered; gave one look; and stood silent as the rest。
“When did this change take place?” said he; in a low whisper; to Miss Ophelia。
“About the turn of the night;” was the reply。
Marie; roused by the entrance of the doctor; appeared; hurriedly; from the next room。
“Augustine! Cousin!—O!—what!” she hurriedly began。
“Hush!” said St。 Clare; hoarsely; “she is dying!”
Mammy heard the words; and flew to awaken the servants。 The house was soon roused;—lights were seen; footsteps heard; anxious faces thronged the verandah; and looked tearfully through the glass doors; but St。 Clare heard and said nothing;—he saw only that look on the face of the little sleeper。
“O; if she would only wake; and speak once more!” he said; and; stooping over her; he spoke in her ear;—“Eva; darling!”
The large blue eyes unclosed—a smile passed over her
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