


英语天堂- 第90部分

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e educated; the intelligent; the wealthy; the refined; who ought to have equal rights and not the canaille。”
“If you can keep the canaille of that opinion;” said Augustine。 “They took their turn once; in France。”
“Of course; they must be kept down; consistently; steadily; as I should;” said Alfred; setting his foot hard down as if he were standing on somebody。
“It makes a terrible slip when they get up;” said Augustine;—“in St。 Domingo; for instance。”
“Poh!” said Alfred; “we’ll take care of that; in this country。 We must set our face against all this educating; elevating talk; that is getting about now; the lower class must not be educated。”
“That is past praying for;” said Augustine; “educated they will be; and we have only to say how。 Our system is educating them in barbarism and brutality。 We are breaking all humanizing ties; and making them brute beasts; and; if they get the upper hand; such we shall find them。”
“They shall never get the upper hand!” said Alfred。
“That’s right;” said St。 Clare; “put on the steam; fasten down the escape…valve; and sit on it; and see where you’ll land。”
“Well;” said Alfred; “we will see。 I’m not afraid to sit on the escape…valve; as long as the boilers are strong; and the machinery works well。”
“The nobles in Louis XVI。’s time thought just so; and Austria and Pius IX。 think so now; and; some pleasant morning; you may all be caught up to meet each other in the air; when the boilers burst。”
“Dies declarabit;” said Alfred; laughing。
“I tell you;” said Augustine; “if there is anything that is revealed with the strength of a divine law in our times; it is that the masses are to rise; and the under class become the upper one。”
“That’s one of your red republican humbugs; Augustine! Why didn’t you ever take to the stump;—you’d make a famous stump orator! Well; I hope I shall be dead before this millennium of your greasy masses comes on。”
“Greasy or not greasy; they will govern you; when their time comes;” said Augustine; “and they will be just such rulers as you make them。 The French noblesse chose to have the people ‘sans culottes;’ and they had ‘sans culotte’ governors to their hearts’ content。 The people of Hayti—”
“O; come; Augustine! as if we hadn’t had enough of that abominable; contemptible Hayti!1 The Haytiens were not Anglo Saxons; if they had been there would have been another story。 The Anglo Saxon is the dominant race of the world; and is to be so。”
“Well; there is a pretty fair infusion of Anglo Saxon blood among our slaves; now;” said Augustine。 “There are plenty among them who have only enough of the African to give a sort of tropical warmth and fervor to our calculating firmness and foresight。 If ever the San Domingo hour comes; Anglo Saxon blood will lead on the day。 Sons of white fathers; with all our haughty feelings burning in their veins; will not always be bought and sold and traded。 They will rise; and raise with them their mother’s race。”
“Well;” said Augustine; “there goes an old saying to this effect; ‘As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be;—they ate; they drank; they planted; they builded; and knew not till the flood came and took them。’”
“On the whole; Augustine; I think your talents might do for a circuit rider;” said Alfred; laughing。 “Never you fear for us; possession is our nine points。 We’ve got the power。 This subject race;” said he; stamping firmly; “is down and shall stay down! We have energy enough to manage our own powder。”
“Sons trained like your Henrique will be grand guardians of your powder…magazines;” said Augustine;—“so cool and self…possessed! The proverb says; “‘They that cannot govern themselves cannot govern others。’”
“There is a trouble there” said Alfred; thoughtfully; “there’s no doubt that our system is a difficult one to train children under。 It gives too free scope to the passions; altogether; which; in our climate; are hot enough。 I find trouble with Henrique。 The boy is generous and warm…hearted; but a perfect fire…cracker when excited。 I believe I shall send him North for his education; where obedience is more fashionable; and where he will associate more with equals; and less with dependents。”
“Since training children is the staple work of the human race;” said Augustine; “I should think it something of a consideration that our system does not work well there。”
“It does not for some things;” said Alfred; “for others; again; it does。 It makes boys manly and courageous; and the very vices of an abject race tend to strengthen in them the opposite virtues。 I think Henrique; now; has a keener sense of the beauty of truth; from seeing lying and deception the universal badge of slavery。”
“A Christian…like view of the subject; certainly!” said Augustine。
“It’s true; Christian…like or not; and is about as Christian…like as most other things in the world;” said Alfred。
“That may be;” said St。 Clare。
“Well; there’s no use in talking; Augustine。 I believe we’ve been round and round this old track five hundred times; more or less。 What do you say to a game of backgammon?”
The two brothers ran up the verandah steps; and were soon seated at a light bamboo stand; with the backgammon…board between them。 As they were setting their men; Alfred said;
“I tell you; Augustine; if I thought as you do; I should do something。”
“I dare say you would;—you are one of the doing sort;—but what?”
“Why; elevate your own servants; for a specimen;” said Alfred; with a half…scornful smile。
“You might as well set Mount ?tna on them flat; and tell them to stand up under it; as tell me to elevate my servants under all the superincumbent mass of society upon them。 One man can do nothing; against the whole action of a community。 Education; to do anything; must be a state education; or there must be enough agreed in it to make a current。”
“You take the first throw;” said Alfred; and the brothers were soon lost in the game; and heard no more till the scraping of horses’ feet was heard under the verandah。
“There come the children;” said Augustine; rising。 “Look here; Alf! Did you ever see anything so beautiful?” And; in truth; it was a beautiful sight。 Henrique; with his bold brow; and dark; glossy curls; and glowing cheek; was laughing gayly as he bent towards his fair cousin; as they came on。 She was dressed in a blue riding dress; with a cap of the same color。 Exercise had given a brilliant hue to her cheeks; and heightened the effect of her singularly transparent skin; and golden hair。
“Good heavens! what perfectly dazzling beauty!” said Alfred。 “I tell you; Auguste; won’t she make some hearts ache; one of these days?”
“She will; too truly;—God knows I’m afraid so!” said St。 Clare; in a tone of sudden bitterness; as he hurried down to take her off her horse。
“Eva darling! you’re not much tired?” he said; as he clasped her in his arms。
“No; papa;” said the child; but her short; hard breathing alarmed her father。
“How could you ride so fast; dear?—you know it’s bad for you。”
“I felt so well; papa; and liked it so much; I forgot。”
St。 Clare carried her in his arms into the parlor; and laid her on the sofa。
“Henrique; you must be careful of Eva;” said he; “you mustn’t ride fast with her。”
“I’ll take her under my care;” said Henrique; seating himself by the sofa; and taking Eva’s hand。
Eva soon found herself much better。 Her father and uncle resumed their game; and the children were left together。
“Do you know; Eva; I’m sorry papa is only going to stay two days here; and then I shan’t see you again for ever so long! If I stay with you; I’d try to be good; and not be cross to Dodo; and so on。 I don’t mean to treat Dodo ill; but; you know; I’ve got such a quick temper。 I’m not really bad to him; though。 I give him a picayune; now and then; and you see he dresses well。 I think; on the whole; Dodo ’s pretty well off。”
“Would you think you were well off; if there were not one creature in the world near you to love you?”
“I?—Well; of course not。”
“And you have taken Dodo away from all the friends he ever had; and now he has not a creature to love him;—nobody can be good that way。”
“Well; I can’t help it; as I know of。 I can’t get his mother and I can’t love him myself; nor anybody else; as I know of。”
“Why can’t you?” said Eva。
“Love Dodo! Why; Eva; you wouldn’t have me! I may like him well enough; but you don’t love your servants。”
“I do; indeed。”
“How odd!”
“Don’t the Bible say we must love everybody?”
“O; the Bible! To be sure; it says a great many such things; but; then; nobody ever thinks of doing them;—you know; Eva; nobody does。”
Eva did not speak; her eyes were fixed and thoughtful for a few moments。
“At any rate;” she said; “dear Cousin; do love poor Dodo; and be kind to him; for my sake!”
“I could love anything; for your sake; dear Cousin; for I really think you are the loveliest creature that I ever saw!” And Henrique spoke with an earnestness that flushed his handsome face。 Eva received it with perfect simplicity; without even a change of feature; merely saying; “I’m glad you feel so; dear Henrique! I hope you will remember。”
The dinner…bell put an end to the interview。
1 In August 1791; as a consequence of the French Revolution; the black slaves and mulattoes on Haiti rose in revolt against the whites; and in the period of turmoil that followed enormous cruelties were practised by both sides。 The “Emperor” Dessalines; come to power in 1804; massacred all the whites on the island。 Haitian bloodshed became an argument to show the barbarous nature of the Negro; a doctrine Wendell Phillips sought to combat in his celebrated lecture on Toussaint L’Ouverture。
Chapter 24
Two days after this; Alfred St。 Clare and Augustine parted; and Eva; who had been stimulated; by the society of her young cousin; to exertions beyond her strength; began to fail rapidly。 St。 Clare was at last willing to call in medical advice;—a thing from which he had always shrunk; because it was the admission of an unwelcome truth。
But; for a day or two; Eva was so unwell as to be confined to the house; and the doctor was
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