


英语天堂- 第78部分

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orld over; and it’s the same story;—the lower class used up; body; soul and spirit; for the good of the upper。 It is so in England; it is so everywhere; and yet all Christendom stands aghast; with virtuous indignation; because we do the thing in a little different shape from what they do it。”
“It isn’t so in Vermont。”
“Ah; well; in New England; and in the free States; you have the better of us; I grant。 But there’s the bell; so; Cousin; let us for a while lay aside our sectional prejudices; and come out to dinner。”
As Miss Ophelia was in the kitchen in the latter part of the afternoon; some of the sable children called out; “La; sakes! thar’s Prue a coming; grunting along like she allers does。”
A tall; bony colored woman now entered the kitchen; bearing on her head a basket of rusks and hot rolls。
“Ho; Prue! you’ve come;” said Dinah。
Prue had a peculiar scowling expression of countenance; and a sullen; grumbling voice。 She set down her basket; squatted herself down; and resting her elbows on her knees said;
“O Lord! I wish’t I ’s dead!”
“Why do you wish you were dead?” said Miss Ophelia。
“I’d be out o’ my misery;” said the woman; gruffly; without taking her eyes from the floor。
“What need you getting drunk; then; and cutting up; Prue?” said a spruce quadroon chambermaid; dangling; as she spoke; a pair of coral ear…drops。
The woman looked at her with a sour surly glance。
“Maybe you’ll come to it; one of these yer days。 I’d be glad to see you; I would; then you’ll be glad of a drop; like me; to forget your misery。”
“Come; Prue;” said Dinah; “let’s look at your rusks。 Here’s Missis will pay for them。”
Miss Ophelia took out a couple of dozen。
“Thar’s some tickets in that ar old cracked jug on the top shelf;” said Dinah。 “You; Jake; climb up and get it down。”
“Tickets;—what are they for?” said Miss Ophelia。
“We buy tickets of her Mas’r; and she gives us bread for ’em。”
“And they counts my money and tickets; when I gets home; to see if I ’s got the change; and if I han’t; they half kills me。”
“And serves you right;” said Jane; the pert chambermaid; “if you will take their money to get drunk on。 That’s what she does; Missis。”
“And that’s what I will do;—I can’t live no other ways;—drink and forget my misery。”
“You are very wicked and very foolish;” said Miss Ophelia; “to steal your master’s money to make yourself a brute with。”
“It’s mighty likely; Missis; but I will do it;—yes; I will。 O Lord! I wish I ’s dead; I do;—I wish I ’s dead; and out of my misery!” and slowly and stiffly the old creature rose; and got her basket on her head again; but before she went out; she looked at the quadroon girt; who still stood playing with her ear…drops。
“Ye think ye’re mighty fine with them ar; a frolickin’ and a tossin’ your head; and a lookin’ down on everybody。 Well; never mind;—you may live to be a poor; old; cut…up crittur; like me。 Hope to the Lord ye will; I do; then see if ye won’t drink;—drink;—drink;—yerself into torment; and sarve ye right; too—ugh!” and; with a malignant howl; the woman left the room。
“Disgusting old beast!” said Adolph; who was getting his master’s shaving…water。 “If I was her master; I’d cut her up worse than she is。”
“Ye couldn’t do that ar; no ways;” said Dinah。 “Her back’s a far sight now;—she can’t never get a dress together over it。”
“I think such low creatures ought not to be allowed to go round to genteel families;” said Miss Jane。 “What do you think; Mr。 St。 Clare?” she said; coquettishly tossing her head at Adolph。
It must be observed that; among other appropriations from his master’s stock; Adolph was in the habit of adopting his name and address; and that the style under which he moved; among the colored circles of New Orleans; was that of Mr。 St。 Clare。
“I’m certainly of your opinion; Miss Benoir;” said Adolph。
Benoir was the name of Marie St。 Clare’s family; and Jane was one of her servants。
“Pray; Miss Benoir; may I be allowed to ask if those drops are for the ball; tomorrow night? They are certainly bewitching!”
“I wonder; now; Mr。 St。 Clare; what the impudence of you men will come to!” said Jane; tossing her pretty head til the ear…drops twinkled again。 “I shan’t dance with you for a whole evening; if you go to asking me any more questions。”
“O; you couldn’t be so cruel; now! I was just dying to know whether you would appear in your pink tarletane;” said Adolph。
“What is it?” said Rosa; a bright; piquant little quadroon who came skipping down stairs at this moment。
“Why; Mr。 St。 Clare’s so impudent!”
“On my honor;” said Adolph; “I’ll leave it to Miss Rosa now。”
“I know he’s always a saucy creature;” said Rosa; poising herself on one of her little feet; and looking maliciously at Adolph。 “He’s always getting me so angry with him。”
“O! ladies; ladies; you will certainly break my heart; between you;” said Adolph。 “I shall be found dead in my bed; some morning; and you’ll have it to answer for。”
“Do hear the horrid creature talk!” said both ladies; laughing immoderately。
“Come;—clar out; you! I can’t have you cluttering up the kitchen;” said Dinah; “in my way; foolin’ round here。”
“Aunt Dinah’s glum; because she can’t go to the ball;” said Rosa。
“Don’t want none o’ your light…colored balls;” said Dinah; “cuttin’ round; makin’ b’lieve you’s white folks。 Arter all; you’s niggers; much as I am。”
“Aunt Dinah greases her wool stiff; every day; to make it lie straight;” said Jane。
“And it will be wool; after all;” said Rosa; maliciously shaking down her long; silky curls。
“Well; in the Lord’s sight; an’t wool as good as bar; any time?” said Dinah。 “I’d like to have Missis say which is worth the most;—a couple such as you; or one like me。 Get out wid ye; ye trumpery;—I won’t have ye round!”
Here the conversation was interrupted in a two…fold manner。 St。 Clare’s voice was heard at the head of the stairs; asking Adolph if he meant to stay all night with his shaving…water; and Miss Ophelia; coming out of the dining…room; said;
“Jane and Rosa; what are you wasting your time for; here? Go in and attend to your muslins。”
Our friend Tom; who had been in the kitchen during the conversation with the old rusk…woman; had followed her out into the street。 He saw her go on; giving every once in a while a suppressed groan。 At last she set her basket down on a doorstep; and began arranging the old; faded shawl which covered her shoulders。
“I’ll carry your basket a piece;” said Tom; compassionately。
“Why should ye?” said the woman。 “I don’t want no help。”
“You seem to be sick; or in trouble; or somethin’;” said Tom。
“I an’t sick;” said the woman; shortly。
“I wish;” said Tom; looking at her earnestly;—“I wish I could persuade you to leave off drinking。 Don’t you know it will be the ruin of ye; body and soul?”
“I knows I’m gwine to torment;” said the woman; sullenly。 “Ye don’t need to tell me that ar。 I ’s ugly; I ’s wicked;—I ’s gwine straight to torment。 O; Lord! I wish I ’s thar!”
Tom shuddered at these frightful words; spoken with a sullen; impassioned earnestness。
“O; Lord have mercy on ye! poor crittur。 Han’t ye never heard of Jesus Christ?”
“Jesus Christ;—who’s he?”
“Why; he’s the Lord;” said Tom。
“I think I’ve hearn tell o’ the Lord; and the judgment and torment。 I’ve heard o’ that。”
“But didn’t anybody ever tell you of the Lord Jesus; that loved us poor sinners; and died for us?”
“Don’t know nothin’ ’bout that;” said the woman; “nobody han’t never loved me; since my old man died。”
“Where was you raised?” said Tom。
“Up in Kentuck。 A man kept me to breed chil’en for market; and sold ’em as fast as they got big enough; last of all; he sold me to a speculator; and my Mas’r got me o’ him。”
“What set you into this bad way of drinkin’?”
“To get shet o’ my misery。 I had one child after I come here; and I thought then I’d have one to raise; cause Mas’r wasn’t a speculator。 It was de peartest little thing! and Missis she seemed to think a heap on ’t; at first; it never cried;—it was likely and fat。 But Missis tuck sick; and I tended her; and I tuck the fever; and my milk all left me; and the child it pined to skin and bone; and Missis wouldn’t buy milk for it。 She wouldn’t hear to me; when I telled her I hadn’t milk。 She said she knowed I could feed it on what other folks eat; and the child kinder pined; and cried; and cried; and cried; day and night; and got all gone to skin and bones; and Missis got sot agin it and she said ’t wan’t nothin’ but crossness。 She wished it was dead; she said; and she wouldn’t let me have it o’ nights; cause; she said; it kept me awake; and made me good for nothing。 She made me sleep in her room; and I had to put it away off in a little kind o’ garret; and thar it cried itself to death; one night。 It did; and I tuck to drinkin’; to keep its crying out of my ears! I did;—and I will drink! I will; if I do go to torment for it! Mas’r says I shall go to torment; and I tell him I’ve got thar now!”
“O; ye poor crittur!” said Tom; “han’t nobody never telled ye how the Lord Jesus loved ye; and died for ye? Han’t they telled ye that he’ll help ye; and ye can go to heaven; and have rest; at last?”
“I looks like gwine to heaven;” said the woman; “an’t thar where white folks is gwine? S’pose they’d have me thar? I’d rather go to torment; and get away from Mas’r and Missis。 I had so;” she said; as with her usual groan; she got her basket on her head; and walked sullenly away。
Tom turned; and walked sorrowfully back to the house。 In the court he met little Eva;—a crown of tuberoses on her head; and her eyes radiant with delight。
“O; Tom! here you are。 I’m glad I’ve found you。 Papa says you may get out the ponies; and take me in my little new carriage;” she said; catching his hand。 “But what’s the matter Tom?—you look sober。”
“I feel bad; Miss Eva;” said Tom; sorrowfully。 “But I’ll get the horses for you。”
“But do tell me; Tom; what is the matter。 I saw you talking to cross old Prue。”
Tom; in simple; earnest phrase; told Eva the woman’s history。 She did not e
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