


英语天堂- 第72部分

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At this moment; voices were heard in the outer apartment; in earnest conversation; and very soon a rap was heard on the door。 Eliza started and opened it。
Simeon Halliday was there; and with him a Quaker brother; whom he introduced as Phineas Fletcher。 Phineas was tall and lathy; red…haired; with an expression of great acuteness and shrewdness in his face。 He had not the placid; quiet; unworldly air of Simeon Halliday; on the contrary; a particularly wide…awake and au fait appearance; like a man who rather prides himself on knowing what he is about; and keeping a bright lookout ahead; peculiarities which sorted rather oddly with his broad brim and formal phraseology。
“Our friend Phineas hath discovered something of importance to the interests of thee and thy party; George;” said Simeon; “it were well for thee to hear it。”
“That I have;” said Phineas; “and it shows the use of a man’s always sleeping with one ear open; in certain places; as I’ve always said。  night I stopped at a little lone tavern; back on the road。 Thee remembers the place; Simeon; where we sold some apples; last year; to that fat woman; with the great ear…rings。 Well; I was tired with hard driving; and; after my supper I stretched myself down on a pile of bags in the corner; and pulled a buffalo over me; to wait till my bed was ready; and what does I do; but get fast asleep。”
“With one ear open; Phineas?” said Simeon; quietly。
“No; I slept; ears and all; for an hour or two; for I was pretty well tired; but when I came to myself a little; I found that there were some men in the room; sitting round a table; drinking and talking; and I thought; before I made much muster; I’d just see what they were up to; especially as I heard them say something about the Quakers。 ‘So;’ says one; ‘they are up in the Quaker settlement; no doubt;’ says he。 Then I listened with both ears; and I found that they were talking about this very party。 So I lay and heard them lay off all their plans。 This young man; they said; was to be sent back to Kentucky; to his master; who was going to make an example of him; to keep all niggers from running away; and his wife two of them were going to run down to New Orleans to sell; on their own acomount; and they calculated to get sixteen or eighteen hundred dollars for her; and the child; they said; was going to a trader; who had bought him; and then there was the boy; Jim; and his mother; they were to go back to their masters in Kentucky。 They said that there were two constables; in a town a little piece ahead; who would go in with ’em to get ’em taken up; and the young woman was to be taken before a judge; and one of the fellows; who is small and smooth…spoken; was to swear to her for his property; and get her delivered over to him to take south。 They’ve got a right notion of the track we are going tonight; and they’ll be down after us; six or eight strong。 So now; what’s to be done?”
The group that stood in various attitudes; after this communication; were worthy of a painter。 Rachel Halliday; who had taken her hands out of a batch of biscuit; to hear the news; stood with them upraised and floury; and with a face of the deepest concern。 Simeon looked profoundly thoughtful; Eliza had thrown her arms around her husband; and was looking up to him。 George stood with clenched hands and glowing eyes; and looking as any other man might look; whose wife was to be sold at auction; and son sent to a trader; all under the shelter of a Christian nation’s laws。
“What shall we do; George?” said Eliza faintly。
“I know what I shall do;” said George; as he stepped into the little room; and began examining pistols。
“Ay; ay;” said Phineas; nodding his head to Simeon; thou seest; Simeon; how it will work。”
“I see;” said Simeon; sighing; “I pray it come not to that。”
“I don’t want to involve any one with or for me;” said George。 “If you will lend me your vehicle and direct me; I will drive alone to the next stand。 Jim is a giant in strength; and brave as death and despair; and so am I。”
“Ah; well; friend;” said Phineas; “but thee’ll need a driver; for all that。 Thee’s quite welcome to do all the fighting; thee knows; but I know a thing or two about the road; that thee doesn’t。”
“But I don’t want to involve you;” said George。
“Involve;” said Phineas; with a curious and keen expression of face; “When thee does involve me; please to let me know。”
“Phineas is a wise and skilful man;” said Simeon。 “Thee does well; George; to abide by his judgment; and;” he added; laying his hand kindly on George’s shoulder; and pointing to the pistols; “be not over hasty with these;—young blood is hot。”
“I will attack no man;” said George。 “All I ask of this country is to be let alone; and I will go out peaceably; but;”—he paused; and his brow darkened and his face worked;—“I’ve had a sister sold in that New Orleans market。 I know what they are sold for; and am I going to stand by and see them take my wife and sell her; when God has given me a pair of strong arms to defend her? No; God help me! I’ll fight to the last breath; before they shall take my wife and son。 Can you blame me?”
“Mortal man cannot blame thee; George。 Flesh and blood could not do otherwise;” said Simeon。 “Woe unto the world because of offences; but woe unto them through whom the offence cometh。”
“Would not even you; sir; do the same; in my place?”
“I pray that I be not tried;” said Simeon; “the flesh is weak。”
“I think my flesh would be pretty tolerable strong; in such a case;” said Phineas; stretching out a pair of arms like the sails of a windmill。 “I an’t sure; friend George; that I shouldn’t hold a fellow for thee; if thee had any acomounts to settle with him。”
“If man should ever resist evil;” said Simeon; “then George should feel free to do it now: but the leaders of our people taught a more excellent way; for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God; but it goes sorely against the corrupt will of man; and none can receive it save they to whom it is given。 Let us pray the Lord that we be not tempted。”
“And so I do;” said Phineas; “but if we are tempted too much—why; let them look out; that’s all。”
“It’s quite plain thee wasn’t born a Friend;” said Simeon; smiling。 “The old nature hath its way in thee pretty strong as yet。”
To tell the truth; Phineas had been a hearty; two…fisted backwoodsman; a vigorous hunter; and a dead shot at a buck; but; having wooed a pretty Quakeress; had been moved by the power of her charms to join the society in his neighborhood; and though he was an honest; sober; and efficient member; and nothing particular could be alleged against him; yet the more spiritual among them could not but discern an exceeding lack of savor in his developments。
“Friend Phineas will ever have ways of his own;” said Rachel Halliday; smiling; “but we all think that his heart is in the right place; after all。”
“Well;” said George; “isn’t it best that we hasten our flight?”
“I got up at four o’clock; and came on with all speed; full two or three hours ahead of them; if they start at the time they planned。 It isn’t safe to start till dark; at any rate; for there are some evil persons in the villages ahead; that might be disposed to meddle with us; if they saw our wagon; and that would delay us more than the waiting; but in two hours I think we may venture。 I will go over to Michael Cross; and engage him to come behind on his swift nag; and keep a bright lookout on the road; and warn us if any company of men come on。 Michael keeps a horse that can soon get ahead of most other horses; and he could shoot ahead and let us know; if there were any danger。 I am going out now to warn Jim and the old woman to be in readiness; and to see about the horse。 We have a pretty fair start; and stand a good chance to get to the stand before they can come up with us。 So; have good courage; friend George; this isn’t the first ugly scrape that I’ve been in with thy people;” said Phineas; as he closed the door。
“Phineas is pretty shrewd;” said Simeon。 “He will do the best that can be done for thee; George。”
“All I am sorry for;” said George; “is the risk to you。”
“Thee’ll much oblige us; friend George; to say no more about that。 What we do we are conscience bound to do; we can do no other way。 And now; mother;” said he; turning to Rachel; “hurry thy preparations for these friends; for we must not send them away fasting。”
And while Rachel and her children were busy making corn…cake; and cooking ham and chicken; and hurrying on the et ceteras of the evening meal; George and his wife sat in their little room; with their arms folded about each other; in such talk as husband and wife have when they know that a few hours may part them forever。
“Eliza;” said George; “people that have friends; and houses; and lands; and money; and all those things can’t love as we do; who have nothing but each other。 Till I knew you; Eliza; no creature had loved me; but my poor; heart…broken mother and sister。 I saw poor Emily that morning the trader carried her off。 She came to the corner where I was lying asleep; and said; ‘Poor George; your last friend is going。 What will become of you; poor boy?’ And I got up and threw my arms round her; and cried and sobbed; and she cried too; and those were the last kind words I got for ten long years; and my heart all withered up; and felt as dry as ashes; till I met you。 And your loving me;—why; it was almost like raising one from the dead! I’ve been a new man ever since! And now; Eliza; I’ll give my last drop of blood; but they shall not take you from me。 Whoever gets you must walk over my dead body。”
“O; Lord; have mercy!” said Eliza; sobbing。 “If he will only let us get out of this country together; that is all we ask。”
“Is God on their side?” said George; speaking less to his wife than pouring out his own bitter thoughts。 “Does he see all they do? Why does he let such things happen? And they tell us that the Bible is on their side; certainly all the power is。 They are rich; and healthy; and happy; they are members of churches; expecting to go to heaven; and they get along so easy in the world; and have it all their own way; and poor;
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