


英语天堂- 第122部分

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ul assistant; and her only reliance in superintending his father’s affairs。 Miss Ophelia had taken the precaution to send them the name of the lawyer who did business for the St。 Clares; and the most that; in the emergency; could be done; was to address a letter of inquiry to him。 The sudden death of Mr。 Shelby; a few days after; brought; of course; an absorbing pressure of other interests; for a season。
Mr。 Shelby showed his confidence in his wife’s ability; by appointing her sole executrix upon his estates; and thus immediately a large and complicated amount of business was brought upon her hands。
Mrs。 Shelby; with characteristic energy; applied herself to the work of straightening the entangled web of affairs; and she and George were for some time ocomupied with collecting and examining acomounts; selling property and settling debts; for Mrs。 Shelby was determined that everything should be brought into tangible and recognizable shape; let the consequences to her prove what they might。 In the mean time; they received a letter from the lawyer to whom Miss Ophelia had referred them; saying that he knew nothing of the matter; that the man was sold at a public auction; and that; beyond receiving the money; he knew nothing of the affair。
Neither George nor Mrs。 Shelby could be easy at this result; and; acomordingly; some six months after; the latter; having business for his mother; down the river; resolved to visit New Orleans; in person; and push his inquiries; in hopes of discovering Tom’s whereabouts; and restoring him。
After some months of unsucomessful search; by the merest acomident; George fell in with a man; in New Orleans; who happened to be possessed of the desired information; and with his money in his pocket; our hero took steamboat for Red river; resolving to find out and re…purchase his old friend。
He was soon introduced into the house; where he found Legree in the sitting…room。
Legree received the stranger with a kind of surly hospitality;
“I understand;” said the young man; “that you bought; in New Orleans; a boy; named Tom。 He used to be on my father’s place; and I came to see if I couldn’t buy him back。”
Legree’s brow grew dark; and he broke out; passionately: “Yes; I did buy such a fellow;—and a h—l of a bargain I had of it; too! The most rebellious; saucy; impudent dog! Set up my niggers to run away; got off two gals; worth eight hundred or a thousand apiece。 He owned to that; and; when I bid him tell me where they was; he up and said he knew; but he wouldn’t tell; and stood to it; though I gave him the cussedest flogging I ever gave nigger yet。 I b’lieve he’s trying to die; but I don’t know as he’ll make it out。”
“Where is he?” said George; impetuously。 “Let me see him。” The cheeks of the young man were crimson; and his eyes flashed fire; but he prudently said nothing; as yet。
“He’s in dat ar shed;” said a little fellow; who stood holding George’s horse。
Legree kicked the boy; and swore at him; but George; without saying another word; turned and strode to the spot。
Tom had been lying two days since the fatal night; not suffering; for every nerve of suffering was blunted and destroyed。 He lay; for the most part; in a quiet stupor; for the laws of a powerful and well…knit frame would not at once release the imprisoned spirit。 By stealth; there had been there; in the darkness of the night; poor desolated creatures; who stole from their scanty hours’ rest; that they might repay to him some of those ministrations of love in which he had always been so abundant。 Truly; those poor disciples had little to give;—only the cup of cold water; but it was given with full hearts。
Tears had fallen on that honest; insensible face;—tears of late repentance in the poor; ignorant heathen; whom his dying love and patience had awakened to repentance; and bitter prayers; breathed over him to a late…found Saviour; of whom they scarce knew more than the name; but whom the yearning ignorant heart of man never implores in vain。
Cassy; who had glided out of her place of concealment; and; by overhearing; learned the sacrifice that had been made for her and Emmeline; had been there; the night before; defying the danger of detection; and; moved by the last few words which the affectionate soul had yet strength to breathe; the long winter of despair; the ice of years; had given way; and the dark; despairing woman had wept and prayed。
When George entered the shed; he felt his head giddy and his heart sick。
“Is it possible;;—is it possible?” said he; kneeling down by him。 “Uncle Tom; my poor; poor old friend!”
Something in the voice penetrated to the ear of the dying。 He moved his head gently; smiled; and said;
“Jesus can make a dying…bed
    Feel soft as down pillows are。”
Tears which did honor to his manly heart fell from the young man’s eyes; as he bent over his poor friend。
“O; dear Uncle Tom! do wake;—do speak once more! Look up! Here’s Mas’r George;—your own little Mas’r George。 Don’t you know me?”
“Mas’r George!” said Tom; opening his eyes; and speaking in a feeble voice; “Mas’r George!” He looked bewildered。
Slowly the idea seemed to fill his soul; and the vacant eye became fixed and brightened; the whole face lighted up; the hard hands clasped; and tears ran down the cheeks。
“Bless the Lord! it is;—it is;—it’s all I wanted! They haven’t forgot me。 It warms my soul; it does my heart good! Now I shall die content! Bless the Lord; on my soul!”
“You shan’t die! you mustn’t die; nor think of it! I’ve come to buy you; and take you home;” said George; with impetuous vehemence。
“O; Mas’r George; ye’re too late。 The Lord’s bought me; and is going to take me home;—and I long to go。 Heaven is better than Kintuck。”
“O; don’t die! It’ll kill me!—it’ll break my heart to think what you’ve suffered;—and lying in this old shed; here! Poor; poor fellow!”
“Don’t call me poor fellow!” said Tom; solemnly; “I have been poor fellow; but that’s all past and gone; now。 I’m right in the door; going into glory! O; Mas’r George! Heaven has come! I’ve got the victory!—the Lord Jesus has given it to me! Glory be to His name!”
George was awe…struck at the force; the vehemence; the power; with which these broken sentences were uttered。 He sat gazing in silence。
Tom grasped his hand; and continued;—“Ye mustn’t; now; tell Chloe; poor soul! how ye found me;—’t would be so drefful to her。 Only tell her ye found me going into glory; and that I couldn’t stay for no one。 And tell her the Lord’s stood by me everywhere and al’ays; and made everything light and easy。 And oh; the poor chil’en; and the baby;—my old heart’s been most broke for ’em; time and agin! Tell ’em all to follow me—follow me! Give my love to Mas’r; and dear good Missis; and everybody in the place! Ye don’t know! ’Pears like I loves ’em all! I loves every creature everywhar!—it’s nothing but love! O; Mas’r George! what a thing ’t is to be a Christian!”
At this moment; Legree sauntered up to the door of the shed; looked in; with a dogged air of affected carelessness; and turned away。
“The old satan!” said George; in his indignation。 “It’s a comfort to think the devil will pay him for this; some of these days!”
“O; don’t!;—oh; ye mustn’t!” said Tom; grasping his hand; “he’s a poor mis’able critter! it’s awful to think on ’t! Oh; if he only could repent; the Lord would forgive him now; but I’m ’feared he never will!”
“I hope he won’t!” said George; “I never want to see him in heaven!”
“Hush; Mas’r George!—it worries me! Don’t feel so! He an’t done me no real harm;—only opened the gate of the kingdom for me; that’s all!”
At this moment; the sudden flush of strength which the joy of meeting his young master had infused into the dying man gave way。 A sudden sinking fell upon him; he closed his eyes; and that mysterious and sublime change passed over his face; that told the approach of other worlds。
He began to draw his breath with long; deep inspirations; and his broad chest rose and fell; heavily。 The expression of his face was that of a conqueror。
“Who;—who;—who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” he said; in a voice that contended with mortal weakness; and; with a smile; he fell asleep。
George sat fixed with solemn awe。 It seemed to him that the place was holy; and; as he closed the lifeless eyes; and rose up from the dead; only one thought possessed him;—that expressed by his simple old friend;—“What a thing it is to be a Christian!”
He turned: Legree was standing; sullenly; behind him。
Something in that dying scene had checked the natural fierceness of youthful passion。 The presence of the man was simply loathsome to George; and he felt only an impulse to get away from him; with as few words as possible。
Fixing his keen dark eyes on Legree; he simply said; pointing to the dead; “You have got all you ever can of him。 What shall I pay you for the body? I will take it away; and bury it decently。”
“I don’t sell dead niggers;” said Legree; doggedly。 “You are welcome to bury him where and when you like。”
“Boys;” said George; in an authoritative tone; to two or three negroes; who were looking at the body; “help me lift him up; and carry him to my wagon; and get me a spade。”
One of them ran for a spade; the other two assisted George to carry the body to the wagon。
George neither spoke to nor looked at Legree; who did not countermand his orders; but stood; whistling; with an air of forced unconcern。 He sulkily followed them to where the wagon stood at the door。
George spread his cloak in the wagon; and had the body carefully disposed of in it;—moving the seat; so as to give it room。 Then he turned; fixed his eyes on Legree; and said; with forced composure;
“I have not; as yet; said to you what I think of this most atrocious affair;—this is not the time and place。 But; sir; this innocent blood shall have justice。 I will proclaim this murder。 I will go to the very first magistrate; and expose you。”
“Do!” said Legree; snapping his fingers; scornfully。 “I’d like to see you doing it。 Where you going to get witnesses?—how you going to prove it?—Come; now!”
George saw; at once; the force of this defiance。 There w
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