


英语天堂- 第109部分

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ee gave them。
“Wal; but; Mas’r; Tom and Misse Cassy; and dey among ’em; filled Lucy’s basket。 I ruther guess der weight ’s in it; Mas’r!”
“I do the weighing!” said Legree; emphatically。
Both the drivers again laughed their diabolical laugh。
“So!” he added; “Misse Cassy did her day’s work。”
“She picks like de debil and all his angels!”
“She’s got ’em all in her; I believe!” said Legree; and; growling a brutal oath; he proceeded to the weighing…room。
Slowly the weary; dispirited creatures; wound their way into the room; and; with crouching reluctance; presented their baskets to be weighed。
Legree noted on a slate; on the side of which was pasted a list of names; the amount。
Tom’s basket was weighed and approved; and he looked; with an anxious glance; for the sucomess of the woman he had befriended。
Tottering with weakness; she came forward; and delivered her basket。 It was of full weight; as Legree well perceived; but; affecting anger; he said;
“What; you lazy beast! short again! stand aside; you’ll catch it; pretty soon!”
The woman gave a groan of utter despair; and sat down on a board。
The person who had been called Misse Cassy now came forward; and; with a haughty; negligent air; delivered her basket。 As she delivered it; Legree looked in her eyes with a sneering yet inquiring glance。
She fixed her black eyes steadily on him; her lips moved slightly; and she said something in French。 What it was; no one knew; but Legree’s face became perfectly demoniacal in its expression; as she spoke; he half raised his hand; as if to strike;—a gesture which she regarded with fierce disdain; as she turned and walked away。
“And now;” said Legree; “come here; you Tom。 You see; I telled ye I didn’t buy ye jest for the common work; I mean to promote ye; and make a driver of ye; and tonight ye may jest as well begin to get yer hand in。 Now; ye jest take this yer gal and flog her; ye’ve seen enough on’t to know how。”
I beg Mas’r’s pardon;” said Tom; “hopes Mas’r won’t set me at that。 It’s what I an’t used to;—never did;—and can’t do; no way possible。”
“Ye’ll larn a pretty smart chance of things ye never did know; before I’ve done with ye!” said Legree; taking up a cowhide; and striking Tom a heavy blow cross the cheek; and following up the infliction by a shower of blows。
“There!” he said; as he stopped to rest; “now; will ye tell me ye can’t do it?”
“Yes; Mas’r;” said Tom; putting up his hand; to wipe the blood; that trickled down his face。 “I’m willin’ to work; night and day; and work while there’s life and breath in me; but this yer thing I can’t feel it right to do;—and; Mas’r; I never shall do it;—never!”
Tom had a remarkably smooth; soft voice; and a habitually respectful manner; that had given Legree an idea that he would be cowardly; and easily subdued。 When he spoke these last words; a thrill of amazement went through every one; the poor woman clasped her hands; and said; “O Lord!” and every one involuntarily looked at each other and drew in their breath; as if to prepare for the storm that was about to burst。
Legree looked stupefied and confounded; but at last burst forth;—“What! ye blasted black beast! tell me ye don’t think it right to do what I tell ye! What have any of you cussed cattle to do with thinking what’s right? I’ll put a stop to it! Why; what do ye think ye are? May be ye think ye’r a gentleman master; Tom; to be a telling your master what’s right; and what ain’t! So you pretend it’s wrong to flog the gal!”
“I think so; Mas’r;” said Tom; “the poor crittur’s sick and feeble; ’t would be downright cruel; and it’s what I never will do; nor begin to。 Mas’r; if you mean to kill me; kill me; but; as to my raising my hand agin any one here; I never shall;—I’ll die first!”
Tom spoke in a mild voice; but with a decision that could not be mistaken。 Legree shook with anger; his greenish eyes glared fiercely; and his very whiskers seemed to curl with passion; but; like some ferocious beast; that plays with its victim before he devours it; he kept back his strong impulse to proceed to immediate violence; and broke out into bitter raillery。
“Well; here’s a pious dog; at last; let down among us sinners!—a saint; a gentleman; and no less; to talk to us sinners about our sins! Powerful holy critter; he must be! Here; you rascal; you make believe to be so pious;—didn’t you never hear; out of yer Bible; ‘Servants; obey yer masters’? An’t I yer master? Didn’t I pay down twelve hundred dollars; cash; for all there is inside yer old cussed black shell? An’t yer mine; now; body and soul?” he said; giving Tom a violent kick with his heavy boot; “tell me!”
In the very depth of physical suffering; bowed by brutal oppression; this question shot a gleam of joy and triumph through Tom’s soul。 He suddenly stretched himself up; and; looking earnestly to heaven; while the tears and blood that flowed down his face mingled; he exclaimed;
“No! no! no! my soul an’t yours; Mas’r! You haven’t bought it;—ye can’t buy it! It’s been bought and paid for; by one that is able to keep it;—no matter; no matter; you can’t harm me!”
“I can’t!” said Legree; with a sneer; “we’ll see;—we’ll see! Here; Sambo; Quimbo; give this dog such a breakin’ in as he won’t get over; this month!”
The two gigantic negroes that now laid hold of Tom; with fiendish exultation in their faces; might have formed no unapt personification of powers of darkness。 The poor woman screamed with apprehension; and all rose; as by a general impulse; while they dragged him unresisting from the place。
Chapter 34
The Quadroon’s Story
And behold the tears of such as are oppressed; and on the side of their oppressors there was power。 Wherefore I praised the dead that are already dead more than the living that are yet alive。—EcomL。 4:1。
It was late at night; and Tom lay groaning and bleeding alone; in an old forsaken room of the gin…house; among pieces of broken machinery; piles of damaged cotton; and other rubbish which had there acomumulated。
The night was damp and close; and the thick air swarmed with myriads of mosquitos; which increased the restless torture of his wounds; whilst a burning thirst—a torture beyond all others—filled up the uttermost measure of physical anguish。
“O; good Lord! Do look down;—give me the victory!—give me the victory over all!” prayed poor Tom; in his anguish。
A footstep entered the room; behind him; and the light of a lantern flashed on his eyes。
“Who’s there? O; for the Lord’s massy; please give me some water!”
The woman Cassy—for it was she;—set down her lantern; and; pouring water from a bottle; raised his head; and gave him drink。 Another and another cup were drained; with feverish eagerness。
“Drink all ye want;” she said; “I knew how it would be。 It isn’t the first time I’ve been out in the night; carrying water to such as you。”
“Thank you; Missis;” said Tom; when he had done drinking。
“Don’t call me Missis! I’m a miserable slave; like yourself;—a lower one than you can ever be!” said she; bitterly; “but now;” said she; going to the door; and dragging in a small pallaise; over which she had spread linen cloths wet with cold water; “try; my poor fellow; to roll yourself on to this。”
Stiff with wounds and bruises; Tom was a long time in acomomplishing this movement; but; when done; he felt a sensible relief from the cooling application to his wounds。
The woman; whom long practice with the victims of brutality had made familiar with many healing arts; went on to make many applications to Tom’s wounds; by means of which he was soon somewhat relieved。
“Now;” said the woman; when she had raised his head on a roll of damaged cotton; which served for a pillow; “there’s the best I can do for you。”
Tom thanked her; and the woman; sitting down on the floor; drew up her knees; and embracing them with her arms; looked fixedly before her; with a bitter and painful expression of countenance。 Her bonnet fell back; and long wavy streams of black hair fell around her singular and melancholy…face。
“It’s no use; my poor fellow!” she broke out; at last; “it’s of no use; this you’ve been trying to do。 You were a brave fellow;—you had the right on your side; but it’s all in vain; and out of the question; for you to struggle。 You are in the devil’s hands;—he is the strongest; and you must give up!”
Give up! and; had not human weakness and physical agony whispered that; before? Tom started; for the bitter woman; with her wild eyes and melancholy voice; seemed to him an embodiment of the temptation with which he had been wrestling。
“O Lord! O Lord!” he groaned; “how can I give up?”
“There’s no use calling on the Lord;—he never hears;” said the woman; steadily; “there isn’t any God; I believe; or; if there is; he’s taken sides against us。 All goes against us; heaven and earth。 Everything is pushing us into hell。 Why shouldn’t we go?”
Tom closed his eyes; and shuddered at the dark; atheistic words。
“You see;” said the woman; “you don’t know anything about it—I do。 I’ve been on this place five years; body and soul; under this man’s foot; and I hate him as I do the devil! Here you are; on a lone plantation; ten miles from any other; in the swamps; not a white person here; who could testify; if you were burned alive;—if you were scalded; cut into inch…pieces; set up for the dogs to tear; or hung up and whipped to death。 There’s no law here; of God or man; that can do you; or any one of us; the least good; and; this man! there’s no earthly thing that he’s too good to do。 I could make any one’s hair rise; and their teeth chatter; if I should only tell what I’ve seen and been knowing to; here;—and it’s no use resisting! Did I want to live with him? Wasn’t I a woman delicately bred; and he;—God in heaven! what was he; and is he? And yet; I’ve lived with him; these five years; and cursed every moment of my life;—night and day! And now; he’s got a new one;—a young thing; only fifteen; and she brought up; she says; piously。 Her good mistress taught her to read the Bible; and she’s brought her Bible here—to hell with her!”—and the woman laughed a wild and doleful laugh; t
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