


英语天堂- 第100部分

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“I don’t know;” said St。 Clare。 “This is a day of great deeds。 Heroism and disinterestedness are rising up; here and there; in the earth。 The Hungarian nobles set free millions of serfs; at an immense pecuniary loss; and; perhaps; among us may be found generous spirits; who do not estimate honor and justice by dollars and cents。”
“I hardly think so;” said Miss Ophelia。
“But; suppose we should rise up tomorrow and emancipate; who would educate these millions; and teach them how to use their freedom? They never would rise to do much among us。 The fact is; we are too lazy and unpractical; ourselves; ever to give them much of an idea of that industry and energy which is necessary to form them into men。 They will have to go north; where labor is the fashion;—the universal custom; and tell me; now; is there enough Christian philanthropy; among your northern states; to bear with the process of their education and elevation? You send thousands of dollars to foreign missions; but could you endure to have the heathen sent into your towns and villages; and give your time; and thoughts; and money; to raise them to the Christian standard? That’s what I want to know。 If we emancipate; are you willing to educate? How many families; in your town; would take a negro man and woman; teach them; bear with them; and seek to make them Christians? How many merchants would take Adolph; if I wanted to make him a clerk; or mechanics; if I wanted him taught a trade? If I wanted to put Jane and Rosa to a school; how many schools are there in the northern states that would take them in? how many families that would board them? and yet they are as white as many a woman; north or south。 You see; Cousin; I want justice done us。 We are in a bad position。 We are the more obvious oppressors of the negro; but the unchristian prejudice of the north is an oppressor almost equally severe。”
“Well; Cousin; I know it is so;” said Miss Ophelia;—“I know it was so with me; till I saw that it was my duty to overcome it; but; I trust I have overcome it; and I know there are many good people at the north; who in this matter need only to be taught what their duty is; to do it。 It would certainly be a greater self…denial to receive heathen among us; than to send missionaries to them; but I think we would do it。”
“You would I know;” said St。 Clare。 “I’d like to see anything you wouldn’t do; if you thought it your duty!”
“Well; I’m not uncommonly good;” said Miss Ophelia。 “Others would; if they saw things as I do。 I intend to take Topsy home; when I go。 I suppose our folks will wonder; at first; but I think they will be brought to see as I do。 Besides; I know there are many people at the north who do exactly what you said。”
“Yes; but they are a minority; and; if we should begin to emancipate to any extent; we should soon hear from you。”
Miss Ophelia did not reply。 There was a pause of some moments; and St。 Clare’s countenance was overcast by a sad; dreamy expression。
“I don’t know what makes me think of my mother so much; tonight;” he said。” I have a strange kind of feeling; as if she were near me。 I keep thinking of things she used to say。 Strange; what brings these past things so vividly back to us; sometimes!”
St。 Clare walked up and down the room for some minutes more; and then said;
“I believe I’ll go down street; a few moments; and hear the news; tonight。”
He took his hat; and passed out。
Tom followed him to the passage; out of the court; and asked if he should attend him。
“No; my boy;” said St。 Clare。 “I shall be back in an hour。”
Tom sat down in the verandah。 It was a beautiful moonlight evening; and he sat watching the rising and falling spray of the fountain; and listening to its murmur。 Tom thought of his home; and that he should soon be a free man; and able to return to it at will。 He thought how he should work to buy his wife and boys。 He felt the muscles of his brawny arms with a sort of joy; as he thought they would soon belong to himself; and how much they could do to work out the freedom of his family。 Then he thought of his noble young master; and; ever second to that; came the habitual prayer that he had always offered for him; and then his thoughts passed on to the beautiful Eva; whom he now thought of among the angels; and he thought till he almost fancied that that bright face and golden hair were looking upon him; out of the spray of the fountain。 And; so musing; he fell asleep; and dreamed he saw her coming bounding towards him; just as she used to come; with a wreath of jessamine in her hair; her cheeks bright; and her eyes radiant with delight; but; as he looked; she seemed to rise from the ground; her cheeks wore a paler hue;—her eyes had a deep; divine radiance; a golden halo seemed around her head;—and she vanished from his sight; and Tom was awakened by a loud knocking; and a sound of many voices at the gate。
He hastened to undo it; and; with smothered voices and heavy tread; came several men; bringing a body; wrapped in a cloak; and lying on a shutter。 The light of the lamp fell full on the face; and Tom gave a wild cry of amazement and despair; that rung through all the galleries; as the men advanced; with their burden; to the open parlor door; where Miss Ophelia still sat knitting。
St。 Clare had turned into a cafe; to look over an evening paper。 As he was reading; an affray arose between two gentlemen in the room; who were both partially intoxicated。 St。 Clare and one or two others made an effort to separate them; and St。 Clare received a fatal stab in the side with a bowie…knife; which he was attempting to wrest from one of them。
The house was full of cries and lamentations; shrieks and screams; servants frantically tearing their hair; throwing themselves on the ground; or running distractedly about; lamenting。 Tom and Miss Ophelia alone seemed to have any presence of mind; for Marie was in strong hysteric convulsions。 At Miss Ophelia’s direction; one of the lounges in the parlor was hastily prepared; and the bleeding form laid upon it。 St。 Clare had fainted; through pain and loss of blood; but; as Miss Ophelia applied restoratives; he revived; opened his eyes; looked fixedly on them; looked earnestly around the room; his eyes travelling wistfully over every object; and finally they rested on his mother’s picture。
The physician now arrived; and made his examination。 It was evident; from the expression of his face; that there was no hope; but he applied himself to dressing the wound; and he and Miss Ophelia and Tom proceeded composedly with this work; amid the lamentations and sobs and cries of the affrighted servants; who had clustered about the doors and windows of the verandah。
“Now;” said the physician; “we must turn all these creatures out; all depends on his being kept quiet。”
St。 Clare opened his eyes; and looked fixedly on the distressed beings; whom Miss Ophelia and the doctor were trying to urge from the apartment。 “Poor creatures!” he said; and an expression of bitter self…reproach passed over his face。 Adolph absolutely refused to go。 Terror had deprived him of all presence of mind; he threw himself along the floor; and nothing could persuade him to rise。 The rest yielded to Miss Ophelia’s urgent representations; that their master’s safety depended on their stillness and obedience。
St。 Clare could say but little; he lay with his eyes shut; but it was evident that he wrestled with bitter thoughts。 After a while; he laid his hand on Tom’s; who was kneeling beside him; and said; “Tom! poor fellow!”
“What; Mas’r?” said Tom; earnestly。
“I am dying!” said St。 Clare; pressing his hand; “pray!”
“If you would like a clergyman—” said the physician。
St。 Clare hastily shook his head; and said again to Tom; more earnestly; “Pray!”
And Tom did pray; with all his mind and strength; for the soul that was passing;—the soul that seemed looking so steadily and mournfully from those large; melancholy blue eyes。 It was literally prayer offered with strong crying and tears。
When Tom ceased to speak; St。 Clare reached out and took his hand; looking earnestly at him; but saying nothing。 He closed his eyes; but still retained his hold; for; in the gates of eternity; the black hand and the white hold each other with an equal clasp。 He murmured softly to himself; at broken intervals;
“Recordare Jesu pie—
Ne me perdas—illa die
Querens me—sedisti lassus。”
It was evident that the words he had been singing that evening were passing through his mind;—words of entreaty addressed to Infinite Pity。 His lips moved at intervals; as parts of the hymn fell brokenly from them。
“His mind is wandering;” said the doctor。
“No! it is coming HOME; at last!” said St。 Clare; energetically; “at last! at last!”
The effort of speaking exhausted him。 The sinking paleness of death fell on him; but with it there fell; as if shed from the wings of some pitying spirit; a beautiful expression of peace; like that of a wearied child who sleeps。
So he lay for a few moments。 They saw that the mighty hand was on him。 Just before the spirit parted; he opened his eyes; with a sudden light; as of joy and recognition; and said “Mother!” and then he was gone!
1 These lines have been thus rather inadequately translated:
Think; O Jesus; for what reason
Thou endured’st earth’s spite and treason;
Nor me lose; in that dread season;
Seeking me; thy wom feet hasted;
On the cross thy soul death tasted;
Let not all these toils be wasted。
'Mrs。 Stowe’s note。'
Chapter 29
The Unprotected
We hear often of the distress of the negro servants; on the loss of a kind master; and with good reason; for no creature on God’s earth is left more utterly unprotected and desolate than the slave in these circumstances。
The child who has lost a father has still the protection of friends; and of the law; he is something; and can do something;—has acknowledged rights and position; the slave has none。 The law regards him; in every respect; as devoid of rights as a bale of merchandise。 The only possible ackowledgment of any of the longings and wants of a human and immortal creature; which are given to him; comes to him through the sovereign and irresponsible will of his master; and when that master is stricken do
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