《the underground city-地下城(英文版)》



the underground city-地下城(英文版)- 第15部分

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 funnel。 But Harry began to feel a fresher air rising from beneath;

whence he concluded that the bottom of the pit municated with a gallery of some description in the lowest part of the mine。

The cord continued to unwind。  Darkness and silence were plete。 If any living being whatever had sought refuge in the deep and mysterious abyss; he had either left it; or; if there; by no movement did he in the slightest way betray his presence。

Harry; being more suspicious the lower he got; now drew his knife and held it in his right hand。  At a depth of 180 feet; his feet touched the lower point and the cord slackened and unwound no further。

Harry breathed more freely for a moment。  One of the fears he entertained had been that; during his descent; the cord might be cut above him; but he had seen no projection from the walls behind which anyone could have been concealed。

The bottom of the abyss was quite dry。  Harry; taking the lamp from his belt; walked round the place; and perceived he had been right in his conjectures。

An extremely narrow passage led aside out of the pit。 He had to stoop to look into it; and only by creeping could it be followed; but as he wanted to see in which direction it led; and whether another abyss opened from it; he lay down on the ground and began to enter it on hands and knees。

An obstacle speedily arrested his progress。  He fancied he could perceive by touching it; that a human body lay across the passage。 A sudden thrill of horror and surprise made him hastily draw back; but he again advanced and felt more carefully。

His senses had not deceived him; a body did indeed lie there; and he soon ascertained that; although icy cold at the extremities; there was some vital heat remaining。 In less time than it takes to tell it; Harry had drawn the body from the recess to the bottom of the shaft; and; seizing his lamp; he cast its lights on what he had found; exclaiming immediately; 〃Why; it is a child!〃

The child still breathed; but so very feebly that Harry expected it to cease every instant。  Not a moment was to be lost; he must carry this poor little creature out of the pit; and take it home to his mother as quickly as he could。  He

eagerly fastened the cord round his waist; stuck on his lamp; clasped the child to his breast with his left arm; and; keeping his right hand free to hold the knife; he gave the signal agreed on; to have the rope pulled up。

It tightened at once; he began the ascent。  Harry looked around him with redoubled care; for more than his own life was now in danger。

For a few minutes all went well; no accident seemed to threaten him; when suddenly he heard the sound of a great rush of air from beneath; and; looking down; he could dimly perceive through the gloom a broad mass arising until it passed him; striking him as it went by。

It was an enormous bird……of what sort he could not see; it flew upwards on mighty wings; then paused; hovered; and dashed fiercely down upon Harry; who could only wield his knife in one hand。 He defended himself and the child as well as he could; but the ferocious bird seemed to aim all its blows at him alone。 Afraid of cutting the cord; he could not strike it as he wished; and the struggle was prolonged; while Harry shouted with all his might in hopes of making his rades hear。

He soon knew they did; for they pulled the rope up faster; a distance of about eighty feet remained to be got over。 The bird ceased its direct attack; but increased the horror and danger of his situation by rushing at the cord; clinging to it just out of his reach; and endeavoring; by pecking furiously; to cut it。

Harry felt overe with terrible dread。  One strand of the rope gave way; and it made them sink a little。

A shriek of despair escaped his lips。

A second strand was divided; and the double burden now hung suspended by only half the cord。

Harry dropped his knife; and by a superhuman effort succeeded; at the moment the rope was giving way; in catching hold of it with his right hand above the cut made by the beak of the bird。 But; powerfully as he held it in his iron grasp; he could feel it gradually slipping through his fingers。

He might have caught it; and held on with both hands by sacrificing the life of the child he supported in his left arm。 The idea crossed him; but was banished in an instant; although he believed himself quite unable to hold out until

drawn to the surface。  For a second he closed his eyes; believing they were about to plunge back into the abyss。

He looked up once more; the huge bird had disappeared; his hand was at the very extremity of the broken rope……when; just as his convulsive grasp was failing; he was seized by the men; and with the child was placed on the level ground。

The fearful strain of anxiety removed; a reaction took place; and Harry fell fainting into the arms of his friends。


A COUPLE of hours later; Harry still unconscious; and the child in a very feeble state; were brought to the cottage by Jack Ryan and his panions。  The old overman listened to the account of their adventures; while Madge attended with the utmost care to the wants of her son; and of the poor creature whom he had rescued from the pit。

Harry imagined her a mere child; but she was a maiden of the age of fifteen or sixteen years。

She gazed at them with vague and wondering eyes; and the thin face; drawn by suffering; the pallid plexion; which light could never have tinged; and the fragile; slender figure; gave her an appearance at once singular and attractive。 Jack Ryan declared that she seemed to him to be an unmonly interesting kind of ghost。

It must have been due to the strange and peculiar circumstances under which her life hitherto had been led; that she scarcely seemed to belong to the human race。 Her countenance was of a very unmon cast; and her eyes; hardly able to bear the lamp…light in the cottage; glanced around in a confused and puzzled way; as if all were new to them。

As this singular being reclined on Madge's bed and awoke to consciousness; as from a long sleep; the old Scotchwoman began to question her a little。

〃What do they call you; my dear?〃 said she。

〃Nell;〃 replied the girl。

〃Do you feel anything the matter with you; Nell?〃

〃I am hungry。  I have eaten nothing since……since……〃

Nell uttered these few words like one unused to speak much。  They were in the Gaelic language; which was often spoken by Simon and his family。 Madge immediately brought her some food; she was evidently famished。 It was impossible to say how long she might have been in that pit。

〃How many days had you been doadge。

Nell made no answer; she seemed not to understand the question。

〃How many days; do you think?〃

〃Days?〃 repeated Nell; as though the word had no meaning for her; and she shook her head to signify entire want of prehension。

Madge took her hand; and stroked it caressingly。  〃How old are you; my lassie?〃 she asked; smiling kindly at her。

Nell shook her head again。

〃Yes; yes;〃 continued Madge; 〃how many years old?〃

〃Years?〃 replied Nell。  She seemed to understand that word no better than days!  Simon; Harry; Jack; and the rest; looked on with an air of mingled passion; wonder; and sympathy。 The state of this poor thing; clothed in a miserable garment of coarse woolen stuff; seemed to impress them painfully。

Harry; more than all the rest; seemed attracted by the very peculiarity of this poor stranger。  He drew near; took Nell's hand from his mother; and looked directly at her; while something like a smile curved her lip。 〃Nell;〃 he said; 〃Nell; away down there……in the mine……were you all alone?〃

〃Alone! alone!〃 cried the girl; raising herself hastily。 Her features expressed terror; her eyes; which had appeared to soften as Harry looked at her; became quite wild again。 〃Alone!〃 repeated she; 〃alone!〃……and she fell back on the bed; as though deprived of all strength。

〃The poor bairn is too weak to speak to us;〃 said Madge; when she had adjusted the pillows。  〃After a good rest; and a little more food; she will be stronger。  e away; Simon and Harry; and all the rest of you; and let her go to sleep。〃 So Nell was left alone; and in a very few minutes slept profoundly。

This event caused a great sensation; not only in the coal

mines; but in Stirlingshire; and ultimately throughout the kingdom。 The strangeness of the story was exaggerated; the affair could not have made more motion had they found the girl enclosed in the solid rock; like one of those antediluvian creatures who have occasionally been released by a stroke of the pickax from their stony prison。 Nell became a fashionable wonder without knowing it。 Superstitious folks made her story a new subject for legendary marvels; and were inclined to think; as Jack Ryan told Harry; that Nell was the spirit of the mines。

〃Be it so; Jack;〃 said the young man; 〃but at any rate she is the good spirit。  It can have been none but she who brought us bread and water when we were shut up down there; and as to the bad spirit; who must still be in the mine; we'll catch him some day。〃

Of course James Starr had been at once informed of all this; and came; as soon as the young girl had sufficiently recovered her strength; to see her; and endeavor to question her carefully。

She appeared ignorant of nearly everything relating to life; and; although evidently intelligent; was wanting in many elementary ideas; such as time; for instance。  She had never been used to its division; and the words signifying hours; days; months; and years were unknown to her。

Her eyes; accustomed to the night; were pained by the glare of the electric discs; but in the dark her sight was wonderfully keen; the pupil dilated in a remarkable manner; and she could see where to others there appeared profound obscurity。 It was certain that her brain had never received any impression of the outer world; that her eyes had never looked beyond the mine; and that these somber depths had been all the world to her。

The poor girl probably knew not that there were a sun and stars; towns and counties; a mighty universe posed of myriads of worlds。 But until she prehended the significance of words at present conveying no precise meaning to her
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