《君主论-the prince(英文版)》



君主论-the prince(英文版)- 第17部分

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 the rock has poured forthwater; it has rained manna; everything has contributed to yourgreatness; you ought to do the rest。 God is not willing to doeverything; and thus take away our free will and that share of glorywhich belongs to us。And it is not to be wondered at if none of the above…named Italians havebeen able to acplish all that is expected from your illustrioushouse; and if in so many revolutions in Italy; and in so many campaigns;it has always appeared as if military virtue were exhausted; this hashappened because the old order of things was not good; and none of ushave known how to find a new one。 And nothing honours a man more than toestablish new laws and new ordinances when he himself was newly risen。Such things when they are well founded and dignified will make himrevered and admired; and in Italy there are not wanting opportunities tobring such into use in every form。Here there is great valour in the limbs whilst it fails in the head。Look attentively at the duels and the hand…to…hand bats; how superiorthe Italians are in strength; dexterity; and subtlety。 But when it esto armies they do not bear parison; and this springs entirely fromthe insufficiency of the leaders; since those who are capable are notobedient; and each one seems to himself to know; there having never beenany one so distinguished above the rest; either by valour or fortune;that others would yield to him。 Hence it is that for so long a time; andduring so much fighting in the past twenty years; whenever there hasbeen an army wholly Italian; it has always given a poor account ofitself; as witness Taro; Alessandria; Capua; Genoa; Vaila; Bologna;Mestre。If; therefore; your illustrious house wishes to follow those remarkablemen who have redeemed their country; it is necessary before all things;as a true foundation for every enterprise; to be provided with your ownforces; because there can be no more faithful; truer; or bettersoldiers。 And although singly they are good; altogether they will bemuch better when they find themselves manded by their prince;honoured by him; and maintained at his expense。 Therefore it isnecessary to be prepared with such arms; so that you can be defendedagainst foreigners by Italian valour。And although Swiss and Spanish infantry may be considered veryformidable; nevertheless there is a defect in both; by reason of which athird order would not only be able to oppose them; but might be reliedupon to overthrow them。 For the Spaniards cannot resist cavalry; and theSwitzers are afraid of infantry whenever they encounter them in closebat。 Owing to this; as has been and may again be seen; the Spaniardsare unable to resist French cavalry; and the Switzers are overthrown byinfantry。 And although a plete proof of this latter cannot be shown;nevertheless there was some evidence of it at the battle of Ravenna;when the Spanish infantry were confronted by German battalions; whofollow the same tactics as the Swiss; when the Spaniards; by agility ofbody and with the aid of their shields; got in under the pikes of theGermans and stood out of danger; able to attack; while the Germans stoodhelpless; and; if the cavalry had not dashed up; all would have beenover with them。 It is possible; therefore; knowing the defects of boththese infantries; to invent a new one; which will resist cavalry and notbe afraid of infantry; this need not create a new order of arms; but avariation upon the old。 And these are the kind of improvements whichconfer reputation and power upon a new prince。This opportunity; therefore; ought not to be allowed to pass for lettingItaly at last see her liberator appear。 Nor can one express the lovewith which he would be received in all those provinces which havesuffered so much from these foreign scourings; with what thirst forrevenge; with what stubborn faith; with what devotion; with what tears。What door would be closed to him? Who would refuse obedience to him?What envy would hinder him? What Italian would refuse him homage? To allof us this barbarous dominion stinks。 Let; therefore; your illustrioushouse take up this charge with that courage and hope with which all justenterprises are undertaken; so that under its standard our nativecountry may be ennobled; and under its auspices may be verified thatsaying of Petrarch:                Virtu contro al Furore              Prendera l'arme; e fia il batter corto:                Che l'antico valore              Negli italici cuor non e ancor morto。 '1'1。 Virtue against fury shall advance the fight;   And it i' th' bat soon shall put to flight;   For the old Roman; valour is not dead;   Nor in th' Italians' breasts extinguished。                              

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